All PG Dressing session
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I'm really really really excited! After weeks of planning and waiting, I finally get to go to a serious and proper dressing session in London today. I can't wait! I'm nervous, seeing as I've only had one decent experience in the past, so I'm hoping this doesn't prove to be a major waste of time or money for me. I've been looking on the website, and it looks like they have some lovely outfits to wear.

One of the things I'm looking forward to is the make-over you get at the start, being transformed into a proper young lady before having free reign on their wardrobe space to wear what you want. I'll be getting pictures to upload onto the website, so look out for a diary space later on today once I've returned.

Let's hope the weather stays dry for the day. I don't want to walk around London and get soaked.
A sissy of satin, but not frills. A sissy of length, and not thrills. A sissy that is a princess, and not a baby.

I am the first of each. Long satin gowns that turn me into the Sissy Princess I wish to be.
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Little Bo Peep
Best wishes, be sure to get back to us to say if your experience lived up to expectation and was considered value for money.
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