All XXX draw me please!!!
i would like to request someone to take a pic of me and redraw it into a girl version of me
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well i usually never get too many responses from my posts but i could really use some talent here. i will post a link to one of my albums all i ask for is someone to take it and draw what i would look like as a female version in the outfit it doesnt have to b perfect but i would really like to see what i would look like as a girl. now i will admit my hair isnt long yet so if u could b a little creative in giving me some long hair it b much appreciated!!¤t=PICT0145.jpg
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Sugar Lily
It's a shame nobody could draw you as a girl. It would be interesting as you look like a tough looking person. By any chance, do your friends know about your sissy side or are you discrete about it among anyone else?
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