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Baby Butch
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June 22nd, 2015 ~ 5:31 am
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R I don't know what to do
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I have been hurt many times and I am about to give up on life 
I don't know what to do
I thought talking to people would help but it didn't 
Someone please help me
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Baby Butch

Hello Snowkitty524,

You might find talking to people here will help, although family is usually best for support with problems. I don't know if you have been physically or emotionally hurt but both seem painful to me.

I have been hurt many times physically and emotionally. The worst thing you can do is give up on life. What you can do is try to think positive and about things you might look forward to.

Best Wishes,

Baby Butch : )

I will send you a friends invitation.

I see you are new to Sissy Kiss. You might want to introduce yourself and make a few friends here on the site.

Send me a PM and I will get back to you when I can. : )
Most of my family has died and it is had to live like I am
Baby Butch
@ snowkitty524
 That sucks! Wish it was better for you! I have one parent left and a lot of my family is out of state.
@ Baby Butch
  Most  nights I can't sleep and I don't have much to keep me feeling safe 
I don't know what to do right now 
Baby Butch
@ snowkitty524
 What time is it where you are at? It is going on midnight here in Florida. When I can't sleep I watch late night TV. If you get more involved in the site like I suggested you can look forward to coming back. It takes time to meet friends as you get more involved. I spend a lot of time here and at my computer.
@ Baby Butch
  It is midnight here in Michigan 
I have been at many sites and tried to make friends but every time I try to be nice to people they are mean back 
I sit on this site and read the stories 
Baby Butch
@ snowkitty524
 Yes there are sites like that and I avoid them too. This is the only site I come to on a regular basis. I see you are in the eastern time zone too.
@ Baby Butch
  I read for a couple hours but it sometimes leads to me crying because I miss my family and I feel like I have nothing left
Baby Butch
@ snowkitty524
 I am sorry to hear that. There must be someone around that you can relate too. I am glad you like the stories, I have read many. Give a comment afterward and say how you feel about the story and why you liked it.
@ Baby Butch
  I did have one person that keeped me going but she died and now I don't have anyone 
She was on this site her name was princess kitty
She led me to this site and now I can't even thank her 
Just talking to you helps but it does not heal the pain
Baby Butch
@ snowkitty524
 Yes I knew Princess Kitty for a short time. I cried when she left us but did get a chance to say goodbye. It hurts to lose friends as well as family. Was she your neighbor?
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Baby Butch
I am having site problems, but managed to come back again. Sounds like a wonderful friend. Not much you can do about being in the hospital. Too bad her mother moved.

Like you I have trouble sleeping. Been on the computer for hours and need to go. I don't get tired until I watch a couple of hours of television. Nice chatting with you, we can do this again.

Best Wishes Baby Butch : )
Baby Butch
*Check you Inbox Snowkitty, I sent a message regarding Princess Kitty.
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