I don't know how to masterbate. advice please
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Um I don't know how to masterbate and I really want to taste cum. I've tryed since I was 15 and I haven't been able to ever does anyone have any advice
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ermm... its sort of an "innate" thing to an extent. basically, let your imagination run wild, stimulate the tip and work the shaft. If you put your thumb and index a certain way, you can catch most of it right in there, then enjoy :D
Honestly, I don't think is silly a thing to ask about. I know the first time I came was a complete surprise to me since I barely touched myself. My only advice to you is the same thing that worked for me the first time. You have to be doing something that is a complete turn on for you. That means either looking at pictures, reading stories, watching videos, or even just listening to someone's voice. Whatever it is has to excite you enough that you get an erection. From there it's just a matter of concentrating on the thought that you find so exciting. There are tons of stroking techniques but grabbing right below the head and working it slowly usually works the best. If you can keep an erection I would even recommend some lubrication. Lotion works but I personally don't use the stuff. It may take some practice but it's pretty easy to get yourself off once you've found out what really turns you on. I know that I get more excited by ideas than I do by images or sometimes even the real thing (vaginal sex).

Once you're ready to "graduate" on to masturbating like a sissy you can check out this really helpful audio file from Miss Ally that she made a few years back. I know it helped me out tremendously. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W2O404DM

BTW cum tastes salty.
I know how you feel! I had problems doing it for years. I could never make myself cum in the "traditional" way, I still cant. I actually have a very "odd" style, I've spoken about it once on here *blush* but i'll talk about it again if you want a strange/funny story...

Its kind of like a girls style, which im ashamed to admit (because it feels like I'm being fcuked...)
...I'd lie if I said my interest wasn't piqued a bit BabyNiki... :P
by all means niki, please do tell. i'm very interested to hear it.

also me1 the act of masterbation doesnt seem be your problem. if your having trouble eating your own cum then your far from alone. i still cant. i've tried a bunch of things. the one thats worked the best is to not think about it. just gather as much as you can on your fingers as soon as it comes out and stick it in your mouth. swallowing it shouldnt be an issue.
I found myself a way to do it that prevents any hesitation at all. First I do a sort of head-stand by sliding backwards off the side of my bed (naked or in my panties) so that my hips are above my head and the mattres is supporting me so I can balance without my hands. Seeing my legs waving around in the air is fairly amusing and the sight of my own self pointing at me is normaly enough to get me rock hard. It tackes a little practice, but once you can balance, all you have to do is cum and gravity does the work for you. You shoot your load directly into your mouth or onto your face. If you want to force yourself to taste it you will need something to force your mouth open without covering it.

Also, if ANYBODY tries this please be very carefull not to hurt yourself. I haven't as of yet, but I think that there is a definate chance for it to happen.

Good luck (and I hope you've got good aim) 
"our bodies don't matter; they're just a shell to house our souls. We are what we are inside. If you love me and I mean truly and passionately love me, then you love my soul." ---
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"

If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.
Porn? Males are turned on visually so, look at porn, and if its not turning you on, your looking at the wrong kind of porn. If I find the right visual stimulant, it takes no time untill I want to cum. Lubrication is key too, too much and the penis wont be stimulated, too much and you can desensitize your penis. Also do not pump really fast and squeeze real tight, this can have a desensitizing effect as well. Tickle or rub your rectum with your finger, or stick the finger in, this will also help stimulate as well, while masturbating.
Thanks I will try this as soon as I can
yea, I've never really figured this one out myself either (i'm 22...), but then again I'm on meds that screw with such things and I may be asexual too. I've found that I feel very little from the shaft of my penis, but under the foreskin is an intense and odd sensation (painful and irritating and sexy and pleasurable simultaniously ^^). Anal works a little better for me, but still I don't know that I've ever really orgasmed. The only times I've ejaculated (instead of jsut dribbling) were in wet dreams. Meh, I've got my kinks which work much better for me anyways, and I don't mind not being quite so horny when single ^_~
I'm sorry to admit it but i LOL'd when i first read this, but masturbating is very easy to do.

Simply grab your sissy stick in a fist and slide it up and down. You can experiment with different speeds and tighten up your fist to get different feelings.

Once you have that aspect down you can masturbate in different places and to different things

Hope this helps, Happy Masturbating xxxxx ;)
Just put a bunch of socks over it, like 4-6 pairs and then go at it.
Actually getting yourself to eat cum is a little tricky. It is highly addictive though if you eat it immediatly. (yay pavlov)
Try just tasting a little at first, then move up to all of it, and after a little while, youre hooked.
Fun Fact about it though: The flavor changes based on your diet.
"I'm...all alone. But I'm doing my best... I'll be ok without you, Sis. I'll be able to take care of myself." ~Squall
Ahhhh I still can't get it
I'm starving
The way I found my "style" was just instinct. I was looking at a naughty picture and I just... started doing it...

Just do whatever feels comfortable. Dont try to do anything that is different or odd to you, everyone does it differently.
waaa i still cant do it and it has been months i need help
If you can't do it by hand, intense vibration may work. a Hitachi Wand is never a bad investment. Even if it doesn't get you off they feel great on sore muscles.
If you really want to masturbate like a sissy girl, only use one finger and be in a submissive position. Lots of moaning...

 Um I don't know how to masterbate and I really want to taste cum. I've tryed since I was 15 and I haven't been able to ever does anyone have any advice  

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