PG What diapers do you wear?
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I was curious as to what brand of diapers the fabulous people here use. Ifyou could, please tell me what brand you use, and if at all possible, the typewithin that brand. Also, please rate them on how thick they are from 1 to 10based on how they fell when you are wearing two at the same time ( 1 is hardlynoticable, and 10 is so thick you can't walk). It would also be helpful if youcould say what size (S, M,...). For example, it would be M,M if you werewearing two mediums, and M,L if you were wearing a medium with a large on top.Thank you for all your help!
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I wear Tranquility ATNs, size medium, as my diaper of choice. Out of the hundreds I have worn I have only had 3 leak, and rarely wear more than one at a time. They are just the right thickness - not so much I can't button my pants (but they certainly make a little bulge), but not so little that I am not always aware that I am wearing a diaper. They swell more as you wet in them. Also as you wet, the plastic shell becomes softer and crinkles a bit more - so naughty wet baby girls become more and more obvious that they are diapered.  : As well we should be.
Baby Butch
I also like Tranquility ATN, but it is not my favorite. I like it and other thicker diapers so I don't need to wear more than one at a time.

If I layer diapers it would be with Depends or Attends. My favorite thick diaper is Drycare Dry 24/7 and a close second choice is Abena X-plus.

Cloth diapers are even better because you can layer as many as you want. You need a washer and dryer for those, unless you use a public laundry.
I'm making the move to Adult Diapers (after the holidays and my expanding waistline). Previously, my usual outfit was a child's Pampers Cruiser, Size 7 (tight fit, but I could do it)...hardly noticeable by itself, but then I would "bulk it up" by wearing 6 - 7 cloth diapers over it. Only 1 or 2 leaks if memory serves me correctly.

Thanks to the posts above, I'll now be checking out Tranquility and DryCare.
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