R Diapers in hot weather
Any advice?
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Hi girls,

I know this seems like a fairly odd topic to bring up but how do any of you cope with wearing diapers in hot weather? If anyone has been following my semi regular blogs (I really ought to do one soon it's been over a week) you will know that I am trying to be a good girl and at least wear diapers to bed every night with possibly the eventual goal of becoming a true bedwetter (still not sure if I'm ready for that). Well in the past couple of weeks I've run into what will hopefully be a rare problem. Heat.

England is going through a really quite nasty heat wave at the moment which is unusual as normally our summer is a single dry day in early May rather than a few weeks but it's been so difficult for me to sleep whilst diapered which I am determined to do. So has anyone got any tips which might help this little girl keep cool at night?
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when its hot i sleep in the diaper alone. i find that is helps.
Baby Butch

Don't wear plastic pants and use a thin diaper instead of a real thick one. I heard about the heat wave in the UK from another person who don't like it.


I am happy to have A/C. now I can stay comfortable. I used to sweat an awful lot without it.

I must admit I know how you feel. The past heat-wave has been a nightmare when wearing diapers. I wore one during the day and that was a little uncomfortable. I just had a dress on over that, no plastic panties.

If the heat-wave does come back then I recommend following Baby Butch's idea.
A sissy of satin, but not frills. A sissy of length, and not thrills. A sissy that is a princess, and not a baby.

I am the first of each. Long satin gowns that turn me into the Sissy Princess I wish to be.
Thanks girls, the heat does seem to have died down a bit so I'm not having to many problems anymore but I'm sure your advice will be useful next time it gets too hot. Unfortunately not all of it I can follow as I am a rather heavy wetter so thin diapers are really a no go and my current diapers don't have an elasticated waist band so I need plastic panties to hold them up.
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If you find yourself a heavy wetter, why not get absorbent pads? You can get them from pharmacies at a good price. They work by going in your underwear and can be worn with diapers as well.
A sissy of satin, but not frills. A sissy of length, and not thrills. A sissy that is a princess, and not a baby.

I am the first of each. Long satin gowns that turn me into the Sissy Princess I wish to be.
Similar idea, but different implementation of what Sissy_Fairy suggested - what about absorbent bed pads?

For me, plastic pants are no big deal, it's the plastic mattress sheet that's horrible in hot weather.  Over here on this side of the pond, Goodnites makes disposable bed pads now.  They're pretty decent - they've managed to keep my bed dry whilst wearing Goodnites (which, in all honesty, hold nooooothing).

If your diapers are thick enough, and you're not a super-absurdly-heavy wetter, something similar might work. ^^
little Chloe
I love the hot weather, even with daipers on,

you could always use extra talc, althow you might want to try the opposite of cooling off.

wear 2 or 3 thick daipers and plastic pants, also plastic sheets,
force yourself to sleep in them, do not give in,
just think to yourself, would mommy/daddy let me remove them, i bet you the answer is no.
you might even get a nice rash ;)

if you want to wet bed but not always, then just take a lax pill before bedtime :)
Thank you for the extra advice sillykitten and little Chloe. A bit late but I'm sure it'll be useful next time it gets all hot and nasty.

Chloe your idea sounds really uncomfortable but you are completely correct. There's no way any mommy or daddy would allow a baby girl like me to sleep without proper protection no matter how uncomfortable I was.  
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