Diaper Tapes
Which diaper has the best reuseable tapes?
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Hello Babies,  

Does anyone have the same problem I do? When I tape on a disposable diaper and want to remove it, the tapes rip holes in the plastic.

This seems to happen most on the expensive Abena X-Plus. I hate it when they stick too hard it tears the diaper, then all the white stuff falls out.

Now the diaper has to be thrown away, even if not dirty. They cost too much for this.

I finally learned to attach the blue tape correctly the first time. Then you pull the white tape off the blue and use diaper again refastening to the blue tab.

I find Attends tapes will peel right off and refasten again without ripping the plastic. These diapers are comfortable, but too thin.

Depends are pretty good about not tearing on removal of tapes too, but also too thin.

Bambinos are great, but the thick plastic refastening zone is too heavy.

What are your preferences for a disposable that can be taken on and off?

  Baby Butch  
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