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Baby Butch
On the date:
January 23rd, 2021 ~ 12:27 am
If they gave a reason it will appear here
I posted this in 2011 when underage content was allowed on Sissy Kiss. Many of the story sites listed contain underage content. Although it is OK being before the rules change I am deleting this Topic. A post was made in 2021 to an underage story and was deleted.
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All R Diaper Storie Sites
I am looking for some new sites to find stories about being put back in diapers by force or by choice.
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I seem to have gone blank trying to find some new stories to read about people who like diapers and those who were subjected to wearing them.

Does anyone know of any good story sites for Diaper Discipline and Diaper Lovers?

These are my know sites and the same stories appear in many of them. (Although Kita Sparkles has all original stories and Sissy Kiss is mostly original.)

ABDL Bedwetting Stories
ABDL Stories
Little AB
Sparkles Storysite
Fox Tales
Daily Diapers
Zity Biz
Diaper Punishment
Diapered Online
Crystal's Story Site
Betty Pearls
Sissy Kiss
ABDL Story Forum

Some new suggestions would be appreciated!
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11 posts
These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
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Baby Butch: I love you for posting these site listings! Now I have a reference library as well. A few you may have forgotten:

* buffalobetties page (not sure if that was "bettypearls" or not - I have not accessed it in a few years)
* The AR Archives (Age Regression stories)

In addition:

There used to be one called "I Luv Diapers," I'm not sure if SIDNY (Still In Diapers New York) has its stories link up and running, and I would recommend anything by "deewet" or "longrifle" (although both can get a bit dark - and they can be found quite easily via Google).

Bless you,

T. Rex


Baby Butch
Thanks for the tips and links to storysites, now I will have something new to check out when not busy. My searches were coming up with the same things all the time.
Dear Kita:

Thanks for the additional sites! I fondly remember "diapers4fun" and Tali's site!

Dear Baby Butch: I just checked out The AR Archives site again. If forced diapering (and other forced sissy activities) is what you want, be sure to check out the category/subgenres "Infantilist" and "Mental Regression." Two stories I can recommend (that appeal to my sexual dark side): "21 Messages" (Infantilist section - posted in February 2011 and very, very good) and "Buying Diapers" (an epic, multipart fantasy in "Mental Regression" - best subplot involves a guy who has been hypnotized to compulsively wear Pampers and suck cocks.)
Baby Butch

 Dear Kita:

Thanks for the additional sites! I fondly remember "diapers4fun" and Tali's site!

Dear Baby Butch: I just checked out The AR Archives site again. If forced diapering (and other forced sissy activities) is what you want, be sure to check out the category/subgenres "Infantilist" and "Mental Regression." Two stories I can recommend (that appeal to my sexual dark side): "21 letters" (a new one in the Infantilist section) and "Buying Diapers" (an epic, multipart fantasy in "Mental Regression" - best subplot involves a guy who has been hypnotized to compulsively wear PampTiresiasRexers and suck cocks.)  

Hello TiresiasRex,
I have heard of the AR Archives, but have not read many stories there. I did post 3 cappies and got hundreds of views. i will check out those stories. I also did a different type of search and found some new sites.

I just typed in age play with diapers stories and found new stories and new diaper pictures to caption.

Hello Kita Sparkles,
I found out that diapers4fun is another way of getting to Zity Biz library. I also found that is also Baby Brr's or the Infantilist. Thanks the other 2 links are all new stories to me.

Sorry Baby Butch - when you posted just the titles I did not know what the sites all were, so I did not realize the libraries were the same.

TiresiasRex, I was good friends with Tali. In fact we always said we were sisters and we RPd online privately quite a few times. Unfortunately, she seems to have dropped off the face of the earth now. Sometimes I worry, seeing as she had a dangerous job in a dangerous place. I hope that nothing bad happened and she is living a happy life. If you check my story site you will find two stories there I wrote for her when we were still in contact ... "Switching Sisters" and "A Sisters Chanukkah".


Cissy Crissy
Hello Butch,

It's been a while since we communicated.

Glad to see you one the costume contest this year.

I did not even get to enter this year too busy

I did enter one though I don't know if you saw the pics?

Oh yea I think you did. lol

Have you ever tried ? its pretty good and if you use the search engine and filter out under key word for Diapers or little girls you get strait to the chase. Hundreds of stories there. Not all deal with diapers but lots do.

Good to chat.

Cissy Crissy 
Baby Butch
Hello Cissy Crissy, nice to hear from you. Now I know why you didn't enter the contest this year. i missed the last one and am happy to win this year.

Thanks for the link, I will have to learn how to sort thru the site. There are about 19,000 stories there and I am sure to find some new ones.

For now I think I will go to Storytime and read the new story by PetBabyAmy. I have also just posted a new story myself.

Have a great day, Baby Butch.
I love all these sites!!! Gotta start my winter reading
Dear Kita:

Thank you for your response. I'm going to go check out some stories on your site in a minute (today is my day off from work). Let me know if you ever hear from Tali...and I'll pray for her safety. With love, T.Rex
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