PG 13 It's a Diaper Night!
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 Had some time alone tonight and decided it was diaper night!!    I had been holding it all afternoon and tried to hold it as long as I could after I got my first diaper on, but could not help myself and flooded my diaper ( Super Molicare +) to the point of overflowing!  My big girl pants got very very wet, so back to the little girl clothes.  Now I am in a fresh dry diaper (hopefully not for long) and a pink plastic diaper cover.  Hopefully that will keep my clothes (and chair) dry this time.  
Since chat here seems to be empty, I am going to go play around on IRC some and see if I can find a mommy or daddy for a couple of hours:)
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Diaper days/nights are the best way to make your week great :D I hope you had a wonderful time <3  
Baby Butch
I still enjoy diaper nights and been wearing Abena X-plus which is called M4. Just got them BOGO which is rare. I have Babykins plastic panties.

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