XXX Diaper Diary 7/17
Jessybaby's day in diapers, a messy day
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Hello Diary,

It has been a long time since I have had a talk with you. Well, needless to say I am so happy with today SO FAR. So far today I decided to wear my last Prevail nappy. I know it doesn't hold alot, but I put it through 3 little wettings throughout the day so far. I'll let you know what has happened today.

First I decided that I had to run some errands today. My first stop was Home Depot. I managed to go inside and ask around for a few things. And just cause I wanted someone to notice I was doing alot of bending over and asked many different ladies for help. I started wetting a little while asking the first lady for help. Sometimes I hope I will leak in front of ladies so they will feel bad and help me. But since I didn't leak, I managed to go to my next stop and do some more shopping in my freshly wet nappy.

My next stop was at Best Buy. I walked around the whole store just looking at different thingsĀ  and like I said, bending over alot to look at things. I have also noticed that when you go into stores and don't buy anything for a while they will have a security person follow you. Also, a employee decided to ask if I needed help and I just let him know I was just looking around. So, I decided since i was getting more attention I would squat down and mess a little. I had a little kid and his mom laugh at me as they walked by because I made a little fart noise tee hee. I finally decided on a Kesha c.d. and managed to wet a little more before I left.

Finally my last stop was at a grocery store. I walked around the whole store shopping and leaned over my cart a few times while putting things in it. Like I said, I'm naughty cause I really want someone to see me and ask if I need a change or something tee hee. I decided it was time to leave after I started to smell my mess a little bit. So I started to head back home.

Well, I arrived home and couldn't help but lay down a mat and totally let the flood gates loose. I was so excited cause my fav cartoon was on, BABY PUSS episode of Tom & Jerry. So here I am now sitting in a very messy and totally leaked nappy. The Prevail is not my favorite, but I had to give my last one a proper send off. Like I said I am leaked out, and I still have to wet. This is where T-Rex's dare comes in to play I suppose. I am off to get some of the oatmeal that I bought earlier at the store, and wet a little more. I plan on uploading some of the messy nappy photos later.

So Diary, I will go get some oats, enjoy a little bit more time in this nappy and then maybe be a naughty baby while taking a shower :). We will see just how much I like the oatmeal treatment. I will take a shower and change into another nappy, I'm thinking a ABU Cushies. So if anyone has an idea of what I should do in that nappy tonight, let me know. I will check back later in about 5 hours and weigh my challenges if any are posted.

Love you Diary,
Jessybaby ;-*
a new me teehee
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How I felt and.....
20130717_161603.jpg20130717_161507.jpg20130717_161411.jpg20130717_161404.jpg20130717_161622.jpg..and what the results were of my messy and wet day. Sorry T-Rex, no pics of me with the oatmeal. All of the pics I would have taken wouldn't be aloud on here. However, I will say that it did let me wet a bit more. I did like the oatmeal, especially since it was so warm tee hee. As you can see I really let go. I hope these images don't offend anybody.

Also Diary, I have changed into my ABU Cushies, and will post more images and tell you about what i did tonight. Like I said, if you hurry with a challenge maybe I'll come back to see what it is or I'll stick with remaking BB's cappie of me. By the way, I did send the images to mommy and she says that she wants me to come visit soon because her sissy baby girl needs a shave. Well, it seems I'm off to go get dinner.

Love you Diary,

Dear Diary,

Well I spent all last night in my ABU Cushies. Sadly, the one tape kept coming loose. I'm not sure why. So, I decided in the morning after wetting last night my nappy and my bed that I would re-do the cappie that BB made of me.

So, Diary, I put on a bra and a small white top and then put on my M4 nappy and made sure to insert two, thats right, 2 suppositories. After getting dressed I decided to get in my car and go for a drive. Needless to say, WOOOOOOOOOW!!!! I have never been so excited. First, I decided to hop on the highway and see how far I could go before messing. I managed to drive about 12 miles before I hit construction. I was stuck in traffic for about 5 minutes before I doubled over my steering wheel and started messing. I did put a mat down in case I started to leak. So, I wasn't too worried about totally messing and wetting my nappy. After getting out of traffic I decided to drive past my cousins house to see if they were home. I pulled in the driveway and didn't see anyone, so I figured they weren't there like always :(. Anywho, well messy and still forcing a little bit out every now and then I managed to keep wetting my new favorite nappy.
The M4 is by far my favorite nappy. I could honestly stay in this nappy all day. As a matter of fact, I am still in the nappy. It has taken over three full wettings and a few messings. I am beyond excited and I think I will go watch some hypnosis videos, or naughty baby girl videos. I feel like this nappy is like I said by far the best thing I have every worn. Plastic outside, wetness indicator, and able to hold an abundance of me tee hee. Well, Diary, it has been roughly 8 hours and I still havent leaked. I feel just like the girl in the cappie except she is not as messy as me. ;)
Diary, I have to go, I am so excited right now. Till next time!

Jessybaby :*
a new me teehee
No need to apologize, Jessy. I cannot see the pictures you posted anyway. Must be a glitch in the system.

And yes....oatmeal is fun, isn't it?
I honestly don't know what happened. The images were there earlier, and now they are gone. I'm very sad, especially since I have deleted them from my phone. Well, more to come, maybe no images though. :( Also, yes the oatmeal was fun T-Rex
a new me teehee
I feel your pain, Jessy. Last month, post-SY Update, I had crafted a beautiful, epic analysis with accompanying images, of Princess Pottypants story "Alisa's Adventures in the Diaper Dimension." I posted it...and then, less than 24 hours later, POOF! The whole thing vanished, never to be recovered.Ā 

It's like the Bermuda Triangle has somehow migrated into SissyKiss...
Baby Butch
Wow, you really did rein-act the cappie I made for you. Congratulations on a job well done.Ā 

Those missing images may have been blocked?Ā 

I am a M4 user and have been since the old X-plus days.
Posted by Baby Butch
Wow, you really did rein-act the cappie I made for you. Congratulations on a job well done.Ā 

Those missing images may have been blocked?Ā 

I am a M4 user and have been since the old X-plus days.
They were the best nappies I have ever worn or even had for that matter.

a new me teehee
Baby Butch
Interesting Diaper Diary entry Jessybaby. I have shopped at those those places, but not wearing a diaper and using it. You are either brave or just lucky that security guard did not bother you.Ā 

I don't know if you could be arrested, but watch out for those mommies with children. They tend to be protective, he he.Ā 

Perhaps the best outfit would be a diaper and a t-shirt. That would get attention out in public. Get someone to push you around the mall in one of those strollers.

I don't have any Cushies, but have plenty of Abena M4. I need to put on one, I should have already done so. BTW - the images don't show up for me.

Stay wet, Baby Butch : )
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