R Diaper Diaries 112712 Part 1
Diaper Diary 11/27 Abena Abri- Form X-Plus w/ plastic cover
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Dear Diary,

It's been a while, well i guess it is safe to say that I am nice and warm despite the cold outside. I am wrapped up in an abena abri-form x-plus w/ plastic cover nappie. Also, mommy is very sad that I haven't used all of my nappies yet. She wants me to use them all by christmas. She says that if I send her pics of all of my nappies being used then she will personally buy me a new package of nappies of her choice.
So i am excited and i think i will listen to mommy. She said depending on how good i am, i might be able to see her again. She's my online mommy btw. Well mommy wanted to see me really use my nappies, so since i have a little problem with wetting by myself, i went out and got some suppositories. We shall see how well this abena holds up. I will tell you how it goes with a part 2 later today. If i don't get wrapped up in being such a baby.

Love you diary,
Jessybaby :*
a new me teehee
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well diary, it was a very wet day, but my results were bad. I liked the nappies, but they were just a little too loose. And they leaked everywhere. I may give them another try, but for now im giving them a 4/10
Baby Bobby__
Last night I wet my bed (again). Thankfully, my plastic panties did a great job of keeping my crib sheets dry. After changing my diapers, I wet myself throughout the rest of the day until my cloth diapers were really getting heavy.

If you haven't tried Euroflex plastic panties, I highly recommend them. Somewhat pricey but easily worth it.
Baby Butch
Do what mommy says and test out those other diapers. Looks like you have been diapered online, he he.

I am surprised the Abriform did not hold up well. It must be like you said, too loose. I have wet a few and no leaks. Then one night they leaked and put puddles in my plastic panties. I think the waistband was loose and I may have been pointing upward.

Have fun testing the rest of the diapers. Baby Butch
baby bobby, do you know where i can find some?
baby butch, I think they were just too loose. It's hard to size diapers :(
a new me teehee
Baby Bobby__
Jessybaby, I got mine here;


Read the second paragraph on that page, personally, mine have lasted me ten years plus. Well worth the investment. And I also like the fact that they never get stiff or crinkly (although they do make a pleasant crinkle type of sound).
thank you, they look lovely
a new me teehee
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