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I have sadly reached a point where I am completely all out of ideas for new Sissifcation/Babyfication Stories. The Book Of Really Odd Tales, is the last story to feature both Sissy and Adult Baby like themes. While I have other stories on paper, they are all in folders and those folders are all boxed up.

I am also sorry to report that, that is where they will have to stay for the time being, as there is simply no place to put them, even long before I put them all into a box, they were in two seperate rooms, I have that many of them, lever arch folders take up quite some space, believe me.

I know that at some point I am going to need to set aside some time to start typing those out into word docs, so that I can throw those hand written stories away, yes it will be a real shame to do that, but paper does eventually age, though that is not the reason why I want to throw them away, the only real true way to preserve them is for me to digitise them, so to speak.

Otherwise, I am going to have the same problem for when I eventually move from where I am currently living. I need to move for many different reasons, too many to mention here and they are not really relevant to this post. What is relevant is this. I have ideas for stories, but these are not sissy related, though yes I could make them be so, but that would sadly spoil the kind of atmosphere for these particular types of stories.

What kind of particular stories are these? you ask. They are stories of the Supernatural/Paranormal in nature. But they are not Horror. Meaning, no gory content. Frightening, yes. But in the kind of scary in which it is not overtly way too scary. Otherwise I would end up litterally giving myself nightmares over them if I were to do them that way.

Why Supternatural/Paranormal? I like a few really good shows of this subject matter, some of you may not have heard of them. They are Ghost Hunters, The Dead Files, Dead Famous and lastly, back in the day when it used to be really good, but eventually it stopped being so. Most Haunted.

Not only have I always been fascinated with ghosts etc. I have had true personal experiences with the Supernatural/Paronormal, I won't say in which way or what those were. It's okay for anyone not to believe in such matters, but please do not judge me, or make fun of me because of my belief and my experiences that I have had.

I simply cannot stop telling stories. Yes, I know that one day that I willl eventually run out of story ideas all together. However, right now, I do have another medium in which I can write in and yes it is a complete and total departure from what I love writting about the most. But I have done it all, as the saying goes. Anything new, would really be a repeat, or a variation of what I have done before.

Peresonally for me, that would not be a good thing. Yes, I am going to feel strange doing non Sissified/Babyfied stories. But this in no way means I am no longer a Sissy Adult Baby. That is never going to change. My stories however, really need to change in some way or another. It's that or I no longer do any stories at all. Personally, I am not ready for that just yet.

Apart from my own personal experiences with the Supernatural/Paranormal, set aside, there are other tales that I know that I can tell, inspired by things that I have  read in books and things that I seen on TV.

It is most likely should I publish such stories, these are going to be self published books. Who with, I have not as yet decided. I doubt that these such stories would be right for this site and that is really okay. I have done so many stories, captions too for Sissykiss. I have done far more than I thought I ever could or would do in support of this site.

This in no way means I am leaving Sissykiss. But it does mean I may post far less, as there is every chance that once in a while I may come up with an idea for a sissy themed story or a caption. I wont ever say never. As in never ever any more Sissification/Babyfication Stories, etc.

In all true honesty, I am truly and completely flat out of of ideas and also I want too give those subject matters a rest. I have been doing such stories even before I joined Sissykiss. In all of that time I have wanted to do Supernatural/Paranormal stories, but I could not think of how I could do them without giving myself nighmares from doing them.

I now believe that finally at long last I have found that way. It has taken a long time to get there and with the fact that I have pretty much for now exhausted all of my very best ideas etc. For doing Sissifaction/Babyfication Stories.

The Supernatural/Paronal has always been the one thing I have never done stories based on, apart from one as part of a fan made Doctor Who story, that I did a long time ago, but I was never really happy with it. I had hoped the story would work as a Doctor Who Tale, it kind of worked, but at the same time not so much.

At some point I plan to replace that with a different story. But the story that I tried to make into a Doctor Who story would be better and best simply as it's meant to be for. A Supernatural /Paranormal Story. So I have begun to work on that. It will be my first true ever Supernatural/Paranormal story that I have ever actually done. 

There was a lot I had to tone down and change in places to make it more like Doctor Who, plus, I still did not know how to do scary in the right way. Yes Doctor Who is and can be scary, but that's a whole different kind of scary to what I am talking about, but yet nothing so scary, that it was going to give me nightmares.

What I ended up with was not really the story as it was really meant to be. It's hard to say how or why, other than it did not really fit as being Doctor Who or Supernatural/Paranormal, as too many comprimises were made. In all it was that fact that I could not strike, that special balance of scary but not way too scary, but being on just the right side of scary enough for it being best suited for a Supernatural/Paranormal story, that I had the most problem with, was why I have not erally touched on the subject of doing those kind of stories.

My apologies if I am not making any real sence, that sentance sounded much better in my head. I hope you all are able to get the genral idea of what I am trying to say here and describe to you all too.

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I am sorry to hear that you are stopping doing your stories they where good i will miss them.But you have to do what is best for you       
Thank you sissybabysamantha, I liked and loved doing all of the sissy and baby themed stories that I have posted hear, as well as doing all of my hand written ones. To be honest, I really never thought I would do so many. By hand I have written 100+ stories, this does not include the ones that I have done as word docs only. So over all, I have done so many different sissified and babyfied stories, it's no real wonder that I have ran out of new stories to do, the same thing goes for my captions too, even though I know that I have not made quite as many of those as my stories, though I haven't counted them all. I am really going to miss doign what I like and love doing the most, sadly there is no real new direction for sissification and babyfication stories to go in. Who knows after a long enough break from doing such stories, I may come up with all new sissy and baby themed stories, only time will tell.

Posted by sissybabysamantha2
  I am sorry to hear that you are stopping doing your stories they where good i will miss them.But you have to do what is best for you         

Baby Butch
It took some time to read all of that. As mentioned before Random Chat is different now and no one will see what you wrote unless they go to Random Chat or see the link in your story post.

Sorry to hear of your running out of ideas for Sissy / Babyfication stories. I myself am simply tired of writing since it takes so much time and effort. Cappies are different for me, I often use the same ideas with new pictures.

My story total has climbed to about 42 stories with 34 posted on Sissy Kiss. The others are underage content and not within the Site Rules. Some are too personal and I don't care to post them and give away my identity.

Good luck with your change to Supernatural/Paranormal themes. Sissy Kiss is not the place for those being a Feminization site. I see you concluded that and are going to publish some stories. Good luck with that, I hope it works out great.
@ Baby Butch

Thank you Baby Butch. I just really need a break from doing Sissified and Babyfied stories. But this does not mean I will stop doing them altogether. Just as of today actually, I got inspired to do a Sissy Halloween themed story of my own.

I'll post part one of that just after I have finished with my comment here. My first Supernatural/Paranormal story is off to a good start, it also involves a bit of sci-fi with time travel being involved with three different time lines, which is not easy to do, so I am taking my time with that story.


@ SissyBabyPet

  Lovely must find your other stories¬!
Hello there
@ MistressAlleana

  Curtsies to you.

Hello, you are more than welcome to message me here, click on my avi pic and select private messge, type your message and then send it.


After much debate with myself and long thought, I long since posted this, decided not to go ahead with the Paranormal Stories. I have been able to come up with some new stories since posting The Book Of Really Odd Tales and instead, I am going to post old stories from my old account (see The Revival Blog).

Thank you all in advance.
 Have you tried being a sex slave? fucking your mistress as told or being blindfolded while touching or licking something erotic that kind of wild fantacies add so much excitement in to your sex lifestyle dont you think ? you might be interested to learn and i would be interested to teach you well. I want you to give the best oral sex you've ever had.If distance is a problem to you dont worry i can travel/relocate to any place..Drop your email here if you are interested to learn and obey me.xXx

or email me on --- goddessmistress4meet @ gmail . com 
@ mistresslucy1
  Mistresslucy, curtsies to you. No, I have never tried being a sex slave, nor do I ever want to be one. Sorry, you have the wrong kind of Sissy, but I do wish you the best of luck finding the right sissy for you. While I can write fictional sex scenes, which is not often in my stories, I have no sexual desires in real life, I apologise if any of my adult stories here suggested that they are my fantasies, truly they are not. If you wish not to believe that, that is entierly up to you. I always speak truly with sincere  honesty. 
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