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R A delayed introduction.
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Greetings, ladies and gentlemen.  I have lurked a bit here, observing...learning, and have decided it is indeed time to introduce myself.  I am, perhaps obviously,  not endeavoring to BE a sissy but I DO aspire to have on of my own one day...should I be so lucky.  I am not here to judge, or demand, like some egotist on a domination power trip.  I treat everyone with the respect that is due and has been given in turn.  I am a gentle man (play on words, yep, I like it) conscientious of the relationship that absolutely must be built before all the other fun that comes with it.  This may seem like a silly distinction to some, but I have seen too many 'Doms' just barge in, demanding, and treating others like garbage right off the bat.  Some may find that appealing.  But I have no illusions that being 'served' means not taking care of your Submissive.  We, as Doms, only exist within the contrast of those that WISH to please us.  Without you (those that this applies to) there is no me in this context.  

And, as this introduction comes to a conclusion, I want to communicate something for those of you that are new to this life.  

Just watch out for yourself, ladies.  You deserve love and to be cherished like every other being.  And do not allow ANYONE to ever convince you otherwise.  

Lastly, Oh beautiful people, if any of you have any questions about this terms of a power exchange relationship, please ask.  I desire to aid those that wish to serve and perhaps help avoid any pain that arises from an abusive relationship.  You are valued, you matter.   Some that dabble in the degradation (which is great if it's right and works for you)  can still fall prey to abandonment.  I am not an expert, but if my knowledge is exceeded I take pleasure in researching to find the best answer that works for you.  
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