Default web~search to Homepage?
Googling my name links to profile page
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I recently 'Googled', Binged', and Yahooed' my name, "Jenni Matsuo", and it turned up near the top of the list every time - or at least on the very first page. I was surprised that I had any listing at all. (My "Second" profile showed up too, but not as often.)

The issue for me is that in Sissy Kiss, the link always led to my Profile Page. I don't know if that should be the one for guests or visitors to see. So for now I made it unavailable for guests. Can I default the web-search links to my Home Page instead? (I've been meaning to make some use of the Home Page.)

Sissy Jenni  
Sissy Jenni
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5 posts
These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
Add your message here..
Fem Prince C
Making you profile page unavailable for guests makes a lot of sense because nobody at large needs to see it. It's something you make to share stuff with people you know here.
~*Christie Luv*~
Search engine results are changed automatically by the search engines. They probably will change after a while since you blocked your page. If you don't want search engines to find your page, another way you can go about it is to not add the name to your profile, then the search engines will not have anything to find.

Sissy Jenni

 Search engine results are changed automatically by the search engines. They probably will change after a while since you blocked your page. If you don't want search engines to find your page, another way you can go about it is to not add the name to your profile, then the search engines will not have anything to find.


****** *******
Hi Christie!  

Thanksie!! I'll remove my full name from the Profile Page, at least!

It's not that I totally don't want to be found in a web-search, it's just that I don't quite want everything that I put on the profile page to show up in a web search.
Will a web search begin to show my homepage -- I did not block that page. 
(I haven't done much with it yet, but want the homepage to be a little more "PG" rated.)

Sissy Jenni  
Sissy Jenni

 Making you profile page unavailable for guests makes a lot of sense because nobody at large needs to see it. It's something you make to share stuff with people you know here.  

***** *****

That does make sense. I don't want to disappear from web search totally, but my Profile Page is maybe not the best introduction to just anyone on the web...
Sissy Jenni
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