PG 13 Deep Questions - Research Type Stuff
Questions I thought up after doing research into the community.
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Hey all.  It's been forever since I hung out here, but I'm back, and this time with some questions.  See, I'm finishing up my (hopefully) last semester of undergrad uni and I've been working on research regarding how various kink communities treat their transgender members. 

The age play community is one of the ones I look in-depth at, and of course the topic of sissies comes up there.  While I'm in the process of finalizing the whole report and turning it in in just a couple days, it did make me think about a lot of things.

As such, I came up with a few questions I thought I'd ask here and see what others think the answers may be.  Some of them I'm pretty sure I know the answer to (I've been around since the 90s when I was a teen), but others, I'm honestly curious about. 

As a trans girl (but still a girl), some of these questions come naturally from that, while others come from the research itself. 

So, without further ado, here are the questions.


How would you define what exactly a sissy is?

How does a sissy boy/girl differ from a guy whose little identity is that of a girl?

Can girls be sissies, or are they just considered girls?

Why do we rarely (if ever) hear about tomboys as identities? 

If a woman identifies her little self as a boy, would she be considered a baby boy by others, or just a tomboy?

Is there some kind of "hypermasculine" equivalent to the sissy role within age play?

How would you say that someone being trans in their "big boy/girl" identity affects their little identities (e.g., is a trans woman automatically a sissy, or just a girl, can a trans guy be a sissy, etc.)?
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 How would you define what exactly a sissy is?
For me a sissy is a boy who has desires to be more feminine and chooses to take some level of action to pursue those desires.

How does a sissy boy/girl differ from a guy whose little identity is that of a girl?
I think the only difference is that when you're a sissy you want things to happen to you, not to an alternate version of you.

Can girls be sissies, or are they just considered girls?
Honestly, I think girls can have same desires, but, should have a different way of identifying themselves without using the word, sissy.

Why do we rarely (if ever) hear about tomboys as identities?  
Probably because it seems less popular, but I suspect that those who would identify that way are just less vocal about it.

If a woman identifies her little self as a boy, would she be considered a baby boy by others, or just a tomboy? 
I would say baby boy.

Is there some kind of "hypermasculine" equivalent to the sissy role within age play?
Probably anything you can imagine already exists. I would say this is harder to distinguish as it is more normal.

How would you say that someone being trans in their "big boy/girl" identity affects their little identities (e.g., is a trans woman automatically a sissy, or just a girl, can a trans guy be a sissy, etc.)?
I suspect there is no direct relationship.
 How would you define what exactly a sissy is?
  A sissy is the embodiment of exaggerated femininity.

How does a sissy boy/girl differ from a guy whose little identity is that of a girl?
 A transwoman need not be a sissy, nor a sissy be trans. They aren't mutually exclusive however, you can obviously be both.

Can girls be sissies, or are they just considered girls?
 A girl can certainly identify as a sissy.

Why do we rarely (if ever) hear about tomboys as identities? 
I'm not sure what you mean exactly, as many females identify as tomboys.

If a woman identifies her little self as a boy, would she be considered a baby boy by others, or just a tomboy?
 My understanding is that tomboys still identify as girls, just that they happen to like boy stuff more and are either impartial to, or adverse to girly things.

Is there some kind of "hypermasculine" equivalent to the sissy role within age play?
 I suppose a daddy could be hypermasculine. It depends on the people role playing. Whatever they decide to go by.

How would you say that someone being trans in their "big boy/girl" identity affects their little identities (e.g., is a trans woman automatically a sissy, or just a girl, can a trans guy be a sissy, etc.)?
Again, this answer varies wildly depending on the person. Trans, littles, and sissies are all different things, and someone can be any combination of the above or none at all. For me personally however, I am genderfluid, but if I ageplay it is exclusively as a female.
~To be a girl is to be honest and expressive of your emotions. To wear diapers shows comfort in your body and trust in another~
I like to play Would You Rather and Dress Up, so come play with me in the games section. ^_^
*Formerly tutu49*
 > How would you define what exactly a sissy is?
I think "sissy" can mean a number of things.
As we all know, in majority culture it's a patriarchic slur against males who fail to conform to the norm expected of the "ruling gender". ("you throw a ball like a sissy", "don't cry like a sissy", etc.)
Being a sissy as a fetish or identity has everything to do with power structures and their deconstruction. Sissyhood is "claiming" and thus deconstructing all the demeaning stereotypes and roles that patriarchic thought has identified with femininity, both in women and feminine men.
So a sissy is someone who is sexually aroused or titillated by being forced into a role made up entirely of demeaning stereotypes of femininity.

> How does a sissy boy/girl differ from a guy whose little identity is that of a girl?
Girls are, well, girls. It's possible for someone to enjoy gender bending as play, without specifically being interested by the whole "demeaning stereotypes of femininity thing".

> Can girls be sissies, or are they just considered girls?
Well... good question. Let's leave this open for a girl to answer.

> Why do we rarely (if ever) hear about tomboys as identities?  
Because being a tomboy is no longer demeaning. It's just "matter of fact". Most women today, even eg. cheerleaders who we tend to consider the symbol of femininity, would have been considered tomboys 100 years ago.
A woman or girl is just a woman or girl who happens to like this or that. The titles and identities women use in BDSM tend to be those that carry some serious baggage (slave, slut, whore, babygirl, etc.), I think it's just the nature of human perversion that we're drawn to the taboo and the fringe, and "tomboy" is neither of those.

> If a woman identifies her little self as a boy, would she be considered a baby boy by others, or just a tomboy? 
Whatever she wants to be considered at the time. This is usually negotiated prior to play.

> Is there some kind of "hypermasculine" equivalent to the sissy role within age play?
Well not within ageplay, but there is the "bull" role for dominant men, which is pretty much the polar opposite of what defines a sissy.
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