Dealing With a Gaming addiction :X
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Ok! So I quit world of warcraft was a huge player for like 2 to 3 years and played almost everyday. Now I am like now what? I know its severely random and all. Anyone feel this way? Or have felt this way? How did you fill the time?
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I don't want to make light of this if you're struggling to deal with it but I filled the time by playing videogames.

Seriously. I found that it helps other things quite a lot. People seem very quick to brand anything an addiction these days if it makes them feel good (I know that makes me sound really, really old but I'm only 20). To me, it's the same crowd that argue that videogames influence people and overly violent videogames lead to real world violence (they don't). For me, gaming has solved problems with over-eating and a certain other, naughtier problem that gives a lot of pleasure. I say fall off the wagon.

If you really want to fill your time with something else though, find a website about something else you like. Or, if all else fails, there's always Sudoku.
Maybe try games that aren't as addictive, or casual games. WoW requires a lot of time & commitment, and devotion, but there are some games which will not consume as much time. Perhaps with those, it will be easier to play when you're bored, but put the game down when you have things to do.

Addiction is only really a problem if it interferes with other activities or is having a negative impact.
Now you can finally fill your time creating, helping out with your community, bonding with friends, wathching a wealth of offbeat films which exist out there...Now that you are away from the world of fakery, you can take the time to enjoy the lovelyness which has been around you all this time, you can feel bad about the uglyness you see and in the end you can try to affect social change simply by your own small actions, like a butterfly flapping its wings to cause a storm.

Or you could buy a real game system like a PC-Engine, Megadrive, PC-FX, Twin-Famicom and really delve into some quality titles 

....Take my first advice though first lol.

 Maybe try games that aren't as addictive, or casual games. WoW requires a lot of time & commitment, and devotion, but there are some games which will not consume as much time. Perhaps with those, it will be easier to play when you're bored, but put the game down when you have things to do.

Addiction is only really a problem if it interferes with other activities or is having a negative impact.  

lol? wow takes no time. I used to play 4 hours a week for 2s and 3s. What else is there? who wants to do naxx again at 80 when its the same as 60 lol.

But i feel ur pain, when i quit wow i watched every episode of dbz to kill some time lol and now i'm playing sc again so thats no better. Sry i cant rly give any sound advice, idk what non gamers do to spend their days, go to the mall maybe? If u find out let me know, i may have to quit sc soon XD

I used to play muds alot when in uni, I ended up coding them. I used to see people fail uni courses due to playing them too much. For the young, a mud was the for runner to wow, but in text. Sounds like nothing in this video driven age, but they are very addictive, with good text interaction with people. Think off it as a chatroom with a game when conversation gets boring. Also lots of role play where you can be whoever you like.

A good role play scene can take several hours to play out, and then, if it was sexual, you would need some time afterwards to "relax and recover".

However if you can get the balance right you can have lots of fun, and make lots of real friends, I met some peopel who are still good friends that way, and even a long term SO, who was seriously hot too.  

There is so many other things you can do with time, and its easy to lose an evening in a game, and do nothing else, but they are fun, that is idea. When designing a game, the designer has only one aim, to keep you playing. Try to remember that when you are playing a game, and not let it take over. However in the scale of destructive things its quite small compared to other things that are "fun" to some, serious drug use, alcoholism, hanging on street corners yadda yadda.

So whatever game you play, just keep an eye on the time spent, try and get jobs done before starting then sit back and enjoy your game, and if its a RP one explore your fantasies.  

 I used to play muds alot when in uni, I ended up coding them. I used to see people fail uni courses due to playing them too much. For the young, a mud was the for runner to wow, but in text. Sounds like nothing in this video driven age, but they are very addictive, with good text interaction with people. Think off it as a chatroom with a game when conversation gets boring. Also lots of role play where you can be whoever you like.

I was a mudder in HS myself. I actually helped them set up the internet and web access there just to be able to mud. Previously I was logging into the school's system over modem and by knowing more unix commands than the poor sod who set it up was able to easly get an account on it so I could call up and mud every day, and mud every day at school during my free period. Such fun.

MMOs are a pale vistage of what muds were much like books pwn movies. And muds are free! If you have to be addicted to a virtual world, at least be addicted to a free one ^_^
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
My joke reply:

 Ok! So I quit world of warcraft was a huge player for like 2 to 3 years and played almost everyday. Now I am like now what? I know its severely random and all. Anyone feel this way? Or have felt this way? How did you fill the time?  

Invest in some sex toys and masturbate when you are bored. You can fill a lot of time spent doing that 

Spend more time downloading porn or watching youtube?

I think that is what all the kiddies do these days when they are not snorting computer dusting spray or perfumes.
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