All R The daycare
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I needed to go out of town overnight and i dont trust anyone with my little 18 year old boys secret.  I did however find a daycare that would take him in and promised total discretion.  When i told my little boy he would be staying overnight at a day care center, he didnt like it.  He pouted and stuck his lip out and said he didnt want to.  i asked if he wanted a suppository before we left for teh day care.  That shut him up.  he hated the thought of letting someone else see him in a messy diaper.  I ginned inwardly. Little did he know, I had written up a whole list of instructions for the day care.

When we got there he was on his best behavior until i got ready to leave.  there was much whining and it took a shap smack on his bottom to quiet him.  The daycare lady winked and i was on my way.  She recorded everything for me and gave it to me on my return.

The litte boy didnt like being here, i could tell.  So we put him in front of the TV and turned on spongebob.  Per your instructions that was his favorite.  He watched for a while and i gave hima bottle of juice to drink.  He was content until i noticed him fidgeting.  "Need to wet your diapers little boy?"  He blushed and wrigled some more.  
well lets not get your nice outside clothes dirty.  i think a onsie is in order."  He blushed again and i took him back to the guest bedroom.  He was wearing a thin "public" diaper and i knew it wouldnt hold much of a wetting.  "Lets get you into a nice thick diaper shall we?"

I took all his clothes off and laid him down.  I untaped his diaper, and gave him a quick wipe.  "what tiny littel man parts!  Its a good thing your mommy keeps you in diapers."   He blushed deper red and wriggled, uncomforatble with a semi-stranger changing his diaper.  I had several extra thick wellness briefs i had pre-slit for double diapering.  I put the first under him, and then went to his diaper bag.  "You mommy said you need these."  i shook a box of dulcolax.  He shook his head and mouthed "NO!".  

"well if you dont want them now i guess ill pick when i use them later."  I gave hima good caoting of vaseline and taped up the first diaper.  THen slid a seocnd under him and taped it up as well.  "There.  All good and secure.  You can wet as much as you like in those.  they'll hold anything a boy like you can put in them."  His eyes widened.  "Oh yes i know all about your little "naps".  We do afternoon naps here as well.  What happens, you'll find out at nap time". 

I snapped the crotch of his onsie and rubbed his well lubed littel man parts.  I felt a stirring inside the fron tof his diaper.  "Your mommy left very specific instructions of you do a number three in your diaper.  You wont like them, i guarantee."  He blushed again.  I stuck a paci in his mouth and told him to get in the kitchen for lunch.  My high chair has hand and foot straps for reluctant babies and i quickly had him strapped into place  I had a variety of baby food waiting for him, none of it particularly tasty.  He refused all of it.  I had a remedy for picky big babies.  I pinched his nose and when he opened his mouth to breath, i slid in a very special pacifier.  It had a bite guard on it and a bulb with lots of holes that went inside the babies mouth.  a nice springy strap went around the back of the babies head to secure it.  i snapped it into place and scowled at him.

"Looks like youll be getting lunch this way then."  i got out a one quart hanging bag with tube.  i connected the tube to the opening on the front of his paci.  He got to watch as i emptied all the veggies from the baby food containers into the bag.  i added some water a smooshed it until it was a soupy liquid.  Now was the fun part.  I went to his diaper bag and pulled out a container of mira-lax.  I walked back and waved it in his face.  

"This will get you "going" littel man.  And guess where its going?"  HIs eyes widened and he struggled against the straps in teh chair.  He watched as i measured out three doses and dumped them in the bag.  i smooshed it around and mixed it in.  "Ready?"  He shook his head and struggled.  "Too bad!  Heres lunch!"  i opened the valve and the laxative laced goop slowly slid down the tube.  His eyes widened and he struggled as it neared his paci.  the bite guard kept him fron biting the tube and the bulb kpet him from blocking it with his tounge.  He groaned as his mouth filled with the laxative laced veggies.  I opened teh valve wide open and left him there, keeping a close eye on him.  He bucked and struggled but finally reisgned to his fate kept swallowing the mixture.  I walked over and rubbed the front of his diaper.

"Eat it all and maybe you'll get something special."  His eyes widened and i felt the same stirring.  I kept rubbing for a moment longer and heground his hips against my hand.  "Not just yet little boy."  He whined as i moved my hand away.  "Are you wet yet?"  he shook his head.  "Well your diapers will handle it all.  Let it go when you feel like it."  After ten minutes or so the bag had emptied.  I removed the tube and rinsed the bag.  "Time for dessert!"

i had filled the bag with pureed prunes.  "between the mira-lax and those prunes those diapers of your will be penty dirty today and tomorrow."  He blushed again.  the prunes dissapeared in about the same amount of time.  About halfway through he stiffened and i heard him wet his diapers.  i walked over and felt the warm front.  "Looks like a good thing we put thick diapers on you little mister wet pants.  Youre a heavy wetter."  He wriggled in the chair.  "Now for something to drink."

I filled the bag about halfway with thick formula.  He sat there stoically as the formula filled his mouth.  His tummy was bloated and full and he groaned when i took him out of the chair.  I sat him on the living room floor and cleaned up from lunch.  

"Nap time!"  I called.  His paci was still in and his eyes asked me questions.  "Hmmm.  Lets check those diapers of yours."  He laid down on teh bed and i unsnapped his onsie.  they were wet but not overly so.  i told him to roll over.  "i think you need some creme on your bottom before your nap."  I put on a rubber glvoe and squeezed a generous amount of desitin on my hand.  i also slipped two dulcolax in teh creme.  I rubbed him well on his bottom and in his little crack.  "In your bottom too."  i said.  he lifted his tummy and my finger sild inside his ass pushing in the dulcolax and caoting it with desitin.  He was none the wiser.  I rubbed in and out several times.  "there you go littel boy, ready for nap."

I laid him down in teh crib and said: "Now you stay in here until i come get you.  If you get out early you'll get a spanking.  But just to make sure.."  i clipped a crib alarm to his collar.  "If that goes off, remember these?"  i shook the dulcolax box menacingly.  His eyes widened and he nodded.  Little did he know the goods had already been delivered.  there were 8 more suppoistories in teh box and i fgured to use them all by the time his mommy came to get him.  I had tied the crib alarm short so even him rolling over or sitting up would set it off.  He lasted about fifteen minutes and i heard the alarm go off.  He was sitting up, rubbing his tummy.  the suppositories were working.

"I warned you littel boy. Roll over!"  he whined and obediantly rolled over.  I gloved up and unwrapped two more dulcolax right in front of his nose.  I slid my hand slowly into his diaper and teased his ass with my finger before sliding in the suppositories.  He tensed his ass trying to stop me but my desitin lubed finger slipped right by.  i frowned. "just for that, you get to spend the night in these diapers.  Better keep them clean."  Fat chance of that.  Nobody can hold back four dulcolax.  

"since you already set it off, i know you dont care about the crib alarm.  I have other ways."  I flipped the crib top down and locked it.  "there you go.  Ill see you later."

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Fantastic story so far, please keep up the good writing
I am looking forward to the next chapter. I think the story is good
krystala's sissy baby
Nice start... Can't wait to read more :) 
all characters 18


I smiled inwardly.  that littel boy was going to have a VERY full diaper before long.  I listened ont eh baby monitor and heard him whining and fussing.  The cramps were getting worse.  After about fifteen minutes i went in to check on him.   He was still holding back, but i could see that he was close to filling his diaper.

"Is your diaper still clean?"  he nodded.  "Well well, maybe you are a bigger boy than i thought."  I reached through the bars and rubbed his diaper.  It was soggier than before.  I felt his little man parts stirring.  

"Hmmmm.  Seems my BIG boy likes that."  He thrust his hips out against my hand.  i left it there knowning what was coming.  I rubbed him harder and then pushed on his tummy.  He eyes got big and he stiffened.  I heard the unmistakable sound of a diaper being filled with a large load.  I looked at him as he grunted and pushed.  

"Too bad.  i thought you were a big boy.  Big boys get to do big boy things in their diapers.  But not you.  Youre just a little diaper filling baby."  He blushed deep red.  Then another cramp seized him and fresh mass pushed into the back of his diaper.  I patted the seat of his onsie.

"Remember, since you didnt take your suppositories like you were supposed to you get to spend all night in that diaper.  Now finish your nap."  I handed him another bottle of formula and walked out.

Several hours later i went to get him up.  I could tell he hadnt slept.  "its supper time little man!"  The mass shifted in his diaper as he walked to the kitchen.  I couldnt wait to see him sit in his high chair.  He gingerly sat and tried to hold himself up off the seat.  I pushed him down and put his arms and legs in the straps.  the load smooshed up the front and back of his diaper as he sat in it.

"I have something special for you for supper.  Look at this!"  I held upa three quart feeding bag.  His eyes widened.  I think youll get the same thing i eat tonite as well.  I dumped mashed potatoes, gravy, hamberger and bun into the blender and hit puree.  It ran for several minutes until the food was a thick soupy glop.  I added a littel formula to it to thin it out and poured it into the bag.  He refused the feeder gag until i rubbed the front of his diaper.  He opened his mouth to gasp and i slid it in.  I frowned. "Misbehaving wont help you at all little boy."  

I hung up the bag and he shook his head "no".  "Does my littel boy not want his supper?"  he shook his head harder no.  "Well i guess its up to you then."  I walked away and as i left "accidentally" flipped the valve for the bag open.  "Oops!  Oh well.  too late now."  teh thick glop slowly crawled down the tube twoard his mouth.  he shook and pulled at teh straps.  then it filled teh nipple and his mouth.  He jerked and started swallowing.

"there now thats not so bad is it?"  He galred at me and i smiled back.  I reached up and squeezed the bag, forcing a stream of the glop into his mouth.  He jerked in his chair and swallowed.  Is that enough or do you want me to add  something to your bag?"  He shook his head.  "Oh OK then.  Maybe some dessert later then."  I had a second bag full of pureed prunes and bulk fiber ready.  He took half and hour to finish his dinner.  When he was done he rattled the high chair.  

"Oh all done?"  He nodded emphatically as i removed the gag.  "Well time for dessert then."  I hooked up the bag of prunes and opened the valve.  He moaned as they filled his mouth.  Fifteen minutes later they were done.  He was blaoted and burped when i picked him up.  "Hmm.  Sounds like you need a burpy."  He shook his head no but i sat ont eh couch and put a burp rag over my shoulder.  I patted his back up and down and he rewarded me with a large burp.  His face was fire engine red when i let him down.

"Watch cartoons.  Bedtime is in an hour."  

When bedtime rolled around he was fidgeting and i could tell he needed to wet.  "Go ahead and wet littel boy.  I told you those diapers stayed on till tomorrow and i meant it." I poked his tummy about where his bladder was and was rewarded with the rushing sound of him wetting.  I rubbed the seat of his diaper and smooshed around his mess.  "im betting you have a rash by morning too unless you are really lucky."  

We went into his room.  "You get a choice tonite.  open crib top and two dulcolax now or bed alarm and a soapy enema later when you set it off?"  He rolled those ideas around in his mind.  "Hurry up or ill chose for you."  He thought longer.  "Bed alarm." he mumbled around his paci.  i laid him down and hooked it up, leaving him some slack to roll over.  If he sat up or moved to the other end of the crib it would go off.  I smiled knowing he would set it off eventually.  "Night little boy."  I handed him two bottles of formula for the night.

Oh so looking forward to the wee boy finally learning his place is in diapers.  I like to see for his further humiliation a baby's outfit, hopefully something girly
krystala's sissy baby
Excellent second chapter, keep the work up

cant wait for chapter 3
a new me teehee

I Went to the bathroom and started preparing his enema.  No little boy thats stayed at my house has ever made it through the night without setting it off.  He would be no exception.  I mixed a two quart bag of warm water and generous dose of ivory soap.  i sloshed and shook it until it was mily white in the bag.  I put a small butt plug end on it and hung it up on the shower rod, ready for its inevitable end.

He did good until abotu midnight when he rolled over and set off the bed alarm.  He was sitting upright in the crib When i entered the room.  "Well, seems like somebodys in for an enema."  I flipped him over and using straps hidden under the crib mattress secured him face down.  i unsnapped his onsie and pulled it up.  i slid the back of his messy diaper down partway.  I gloved up and got the enema bag from teh bathroom.  I put a generaous gob of vaselin eon my fingers and slid my hand down the back of his diaper, holding the plug.  I snaked my hand down to his tightly tensed bottom hole.  

The combination of his already messy diaper and the glob of vaseline made the plug slip right in.  His eyes widened and he grunted.  My hand came out and took off the glove and threw it away.  I hung the enema bag on a handy hook put there for the purpose and walked around in front of him.

"Ready for a big soapy enema little boy?"  He writhed in the restraints.  I opened the valve and the lukewarm soapy water surged into him.  he shook and whined as it filled him.  "Oh come on now.  its just a littel soapy water."  i rubbed his tummy and he bucked in the crib.  The bag shrunk and soon it gurgled as the last of the water filled him.  I snugged up his diaper tapes and with a quick jerk, popped the plug out of his bottom.  A small jet of soapy water surged into his diaper before his bottom snapped shut.

"I better get you some plastic pants in case you leak.  those thick diapers should hold it all but you never know."  I slid a pair of extra high back suprima pants on him and buttoned his onsie back up.  "Now you have another choice.  I can leave you face down in the crib, or i can put you in the swing for the rest of the night."  THe boy moaned and said "Swing".  I smiled.  He hadnt been in my swing yet.

I relaesed him and let him sit up,  His tummy gurgled.  I led him into the den where the swing was.  It was like a baby swing but bigger and with more extras.  I strapped him in.  "Oh i forgot to mention.  You have to swing your legs to make this swing work.  If it stops, you get a littel squirt in your nipple."  I strapped a smaller version of his feeding gag in his mouth.  "And i can put in whatever i want.  I think tonite we'll put in mommys special mix.  Formula and bulk fiber."  I poured a quart of the thick mix into the resivor.  "better get pumping little boy."  He swung his legs and his eyes widened as a jet of soapy enema involuntarily squirted out into his diaper.  He stopped and the resivor pumped an ounce of the mommy mix into his nipple.  It was an evil double whammy.  Pump and let teh enema squirt into his diaper a little at a time, or sit still and get force fed the yucky mix of formula nd fiber.  "Have a good night."  The swing would feed him the mix until it was empty and then shut off.  allowing him to sleep eventually.  But he would have pumped his diaper full of enema by then as well.  And all the friction from swinging would leave him with a nasty diaper rash.

Morning rolled around.  The boy was alseep in teh swing.  i reached down and squeezed his diaper.  It was very squishy and full almost to capacity.  He stirred.  "hows my little boy this morning?"  He looked up at me groggily.  "Messy."  he mumbled around his paci.  "Well i suppose you rate a diaper change.  I dont want to smell you during breakfast."

I took him in his room and laid him down onteh bed.  I stripped his onsie off and put a changing pad under him.  The daiper was soaked from front to back.  I peeled it off and wiped him down with wipes.  His bottom was red and rough with rash.  I rubbed desitin into him and his littel man parts stirred.  "Not now.  Ill milk you later."  He didnt know what a milking was and simply looked at me.  "You'll find out."  

I finished changing his diaper and took him in the kitchen for breakfast.  Formula and rice ceral filled his feeder bag,  the gag hung ready.  He sighed and opened his mouth.  I plugged him and strapped it in.  "Good boy!  See how easy things are when you behave?  just for that you get a treat."  I opened the honey bottle and squeezed a generaous dollop into his feeder bag and mixed it in.  I opened the valve and let it flow.  He sucked it up quickly.

I let himout of his chair and led him into teh basement.  I laid him down on a  bench and strapped his hands and feet to it.  'Time for your milking littel boy.  We dont need your man parts getting in the way anymore."  I Unsnapped his onsie and took off his diaper.  I lubed up a special little tool and inserted it into his bottom.  It stimulated the prostate and got little boys juices flowing.  i also slipped an ice cold tube around his little man part and then got out my favorite paci.  It had a resivor in the nipple that would hold about what a littel boy would put out of his man parts.  When it was placed in the mouth it would slowly leak out whatever you put in it into the mouth.  It was perfect for keeping littel boys who had active man parts in thier place.

The cold tube took any pleasure away and the stimulation of his prostate soon had the little boy dripping out his number 3 into the paci resivor.  it was filled full and still more was coming.  i let it drip and run over the paci and mouth guard.  When he was finally empty i walked around front.  "Did you enjoy that?"  he shook his head no.  I piched his nose and when his mouth opened i stuck the cum covered paci in it.  "then you might enjoy that."  I snapped the strap around his head and gave the paci a squeeze to get the first shot of cum in his mouth.  He grimaced and then sucked gingerly.  His little man parts shriveled, just as i expected.

"When we have any trouble with you little parts getting too big we'll milk you.  Hows that sound?"  He shook his head and was rewarded with another taste.  I removed the milking apparatus and put his diaper back on.  I snapped his onsie and let him up from teh bench.  "Upstairs and watch cartoons."  I siad.  I cleaned up and went upstairs as well.  He was obiedielty watching spongebob.

The paci still was half full of his cum and i left it in place.  As i watched he sucked and a spurt entered his mouth.  His eyes squeezed shut and he grimaced.  Time for some more fun.  "Looks like you like that littel boy."  He shook his head no.  "Be careful or ill think you want more."  He shook his head hard and got another shot of cum.  I have a supply of frozen cum in my freezer from other boys who needed milking.  I got some of it out and put it in the fridge to thaw.  Id have some fun with that later.  
I love it.  Looks like he going to be well trained when his Mommy/wife comes back.  Can not wait for chapter 4
krystala's sissy baby

The morning slipped by.  The boy wet himself and i could tell a messy diaper was in teh offing before too much longer.  I put him in his high chair for lunch.  I let him feed himself rice ceral made with formula instead of milk.  He was very messy about it.  Halfway through his tummy gurgled.  "Need to mess little boy?"  He nodded.  "Then do it right now in your diaper while i watch and feel and ill change you right after lunch.  He lifted himself and i put my hand on his bottom.  I felt a large mushy load fill his pants as he grunted and pushed.

"Good boy!"  I pushed him back into his chair.  "Finish your lunch and ill change your diaper."  He gobbled down the bland ceral and Looked at me expectantly.  "Alright alright.  Come on."  I cahnged him on his bed, and before putting his diaper back on rubbed plenty of lotion on his man parts.  There was no reaction and i smiled.  

"Your milking seems to have done the trick.  Maybe we'll make that a regular morning occourance."  He shook his head.  "anyway its naptime, and you knwo what that means."  i pulled out two dulcolax and quickly slipped them into his bottom.  He whined as i taped up his diaper.  "Too bad littel boy."  I put him in his crib and handed him a formula bottle.  "take your nap."

The cum was thawed out by this time and i poured teh thick gloopy mass into a small bottle.  He wasnt going to like his after nap snack.

He woke up to a nipple entering his mouth.  "suck.  When its empty you get changed."  The rash was burning on his bottom and he took a big suck.  Hi eyes opene wide and he gagged.  "Yep, i saw you liked so i got you some more.  Now drink it.  ALL."  He grimaced and sucked.  He wanted his diaper cahnged NOW.  Even if he had to drink a bottle full of cum ot get changed.  Ten minutes later he was done.  I squeezed the last of it into his mouth in a large spurt and then took the bottle away.  'All done.  Lets get you changed."

I cahnged him and put a thick layer of desitin on him.  Then he watched cartoon while i cleaned up.  Then the phone rang.  It was his mommy.  She told him that she was running behind.  She would not be home until wed or thursday at the earliest.  He teared up and i took teh phone away from him.  He had four more days here for me to play with him. 
He was not happy.  "Just think little boy, you get to be here most of the week.  think of all teh fun we'll have.  Milkings, enemas, suppositories, lots and lots of feedings.  Maybe if you behave ill even let you have a number 3 in your diaper."  His eyes widened at that.  "Oh yes do you want to be allowed to do a number 3?"  He nodded vigerously.  "Well its going to cost you.  Are you willing to do anything i want if you get to do a number 3?"  not thinking he nodded.  "OK.  Well, you'll get to do your number three tonite in your crib."  He Smiled behind his paci.  

I smiled too.  His number 3 was going to be totally not what he was expecting.   

He spent the afternoon playing and wtching cartoons.  He wet several times and about 4PM grunted and filled his diaper with a large squishy load.  the bulk fiber and laxatives were working well.  Part 1 of my plan was in place.  He whined that he needed chnaged.  "Its too close to supper.  Afterwards."  He whined some more and i gave him a bottle of formula to drink.  Supper was pureed veggies and meat in his feeder bag.  His diaper was still messy.  Dessert was more prunes and bulk fiber.  He had gotten used to them by now and sucked through his feeder gag without question.  I rubbed the front of his dia[er and was rewarded with his parts coming to life.  

"Ready for our number 3 are we?"  He nodded vigerously.  I rubbed harder.  "Remember your promise, ANYTHING i want right?"  he nodded again, grunting into his feeder gag as i rubbed him.  The bag went empty and i stopped rubbing.  He whined and struggled in his high chair.  "Bedtime is in an hour." i had work to do.

I got out hte castor oil and rigged up my nipple feeder.  It was a regular bottle with a hose tpye nipple that could be hung up and gravity fed like a feeder bag, but much slower, just alittle at a time.  i filled teh 8oz bottle with castor oil and set it in the bottle warmer.  I heard him grunting as a fresh load filled his diaper.  All the better.  I went into the living room.  "Bedtime!"  i annouced.  The little boy grinned broadly.  He was ready for his number 3.  "Diaper change first."  I hualed him in on teh bed and put a changing pad under him.  "I think we'll use the strap this time."  I quickly pulled the changing strap across his chest and buckled him in.  I rubbed the front of his messy diaper.  He thrust his hips against my hand.  "Ready for your number 3?"  He nodded and smiled broadly.  I untaped his diaper and he lifted his hips.  "Keep them up so i can get a diaper under you."  He kept his hips up and i quickly reversed his dirty diaper and slid it back under him so his gooey mess would be in front.  "Do you want some lube in your diaper?"  he nodded and i squirted some baby lotion into the mess.  I positioned the diaper and said "OK down."  HE laid down and felt the wet front of his diaper and before he could react i pulled the messy back up over his man parts!  He wriggled under teh strap.  "Well you wanted a number 3 in your diaper didnt you?  This is how littel boys do number 3s in my house.  I guess youll need a bottle too.  Come on and get in your crib."

I buttoned up his onsie and he gingerly moved off teh bed.  The mass shifted around him and i reached down to rub his front.  He man parts stirred in the mess and grew large.  "Oh yes youre ready for a number 3 arent you?"  I chided him.  I placed him in his crib and strapped in his feet, but left his hands loose.  I put his hands in slippery mittens so he couldnt grasp anything, but with effort could rub his diaper.  I hung the bottle on the crib rail and said "open."  He looked at the contents and shook his head.  "you said youd do anything.  Do we need to add a couple dulcolax to the mix?"  He opened his mouth immediatly.  I slipped in the feeder nipple and strapped it in place.  i tipped up the bottle and pushed him onto his back.  The castor oil slowly oozed down the hose and filled his nipple.  I rubbed the front of his diaper and he moaned.  "Take a big suck little boy."  He obiedently pulled at his nipple and the foul tasting oil filled his mouth.  His eyes opened wide and he gagged.  I rubbed harder.  I pulled his hands up and let him rub himself.  "Go ahead and finsih yourself off little boy.  Ill be in when your bottle is empty."

The crib rocked and squeaked for half an hour and then i heard a muffled grunt and squeal.  He was finished.  I went in to check and a third of the castor oil was still left.  "Finish your bottle and ill refill it with formula for teh night."  He was in for arough night of cramping and diaper filling with that much castor oil.  I changed his diaper and  went to bed with a smile on my face.

I checked him several times throughout the night, and found him wet but not messy.  He was very good at holding it, it seemed.  He was dimly awake but not toally so.  Morning rolled around and he grinned.  "Not messy!"  he crowed around his paci.  I could hear his tummy grumbling, both from its massive load of castor oil and hunger.  "well then come eat breakfast."  I had made a puree of bran muffin and rice ceral thinned with soy formula for him today.  He crawled into his chair still proud of not filling his diapers overnight.  Breakfast would make short work of that.  As soon as his tummy filled, so would his diapers.  I strapped in teh gag and opened the valve.  The mix poured into his feeder nipple and he swallowed it in gulps.  Soon his stomach bulged and i could hear further rumbling.  He had a pained expression on his face.  "Keep that diaper clean for another hour little boy and maybe ill let you use the big boy potty."  He brigthened but then another rumble from his tummy changed his expression.  

I took him out of his high chair and put him a pac-n-play in the living room.  "Dont get out."  i left spongebob on and went to the kitchen to clean up.  Fifteen minutes later found him rubbing his tummy and grimacing.  "Just 45 more minutes and you can use the potty."  i teased him.  Fifteen more minutes passed.  He crawled around the floor, trying to relive teh cramps that wracked his bowels.  I grinned evily.  Had he just filled his diaper, he wouldnt be in pain at all.  By trying to hold in in he suffered even longer.  twenty more minutes passed.  He was watching the clock intently, and didnt see me coming up behind him.  I rolled him over and tickled him unmericfully.  He lasted a couple minutes and then a muffled fart came as he filled his diapers with a thick oily mass.  He looked daggers at me and i tickled him some more.  when i stopped he was still pushing out a stream of poo.  the seat of his diapers was bulgy and i smooshed it up agaisnt him.

"Too bad you didnt make it.  Big boys who use the potty get big boy rewards." He learned forward and sent another mass into his diaper.  A stream of pee soaked the front and made his onsie sag.  He blushed deep red.  

"Time for lunch."  I lifted him into his high chair and most of the mass in his bottom squished into the front of his diaper.  i rubbed him and felt a stirring.  "perhaps time for another milking after lunch then."  He shook his head hard.  "We'll see how well you eat your lunch then."  I hooked up his feeder gag and poured in a mix of veggie baby food.  He gagged as it filled his nipple.  "Im beginning to think you need that milking."  He shook his head, sucked, gagged and swallowed.  "Milking it is then."
our big baby getting use to messing his diapers... maybe another punishment would be baby girl clothes since he is going to be there for awhile.  Hope baby sitter has friends over to see the big baby.
krystala's sissy baby
you know just how to punish a bad baby who wont listen.
She sounds like a fun and responsible babysitter plays fun games and gives him delicious and nutritious food.
I signed up,here just so I could pay my compliments to the author of this story. It is, without a doubt, the hottest diaper story I have ever read.

i can only hope there will be more chapters coming soon. There's still so much to explore! Among other things, the suppository discipline is the best use of the technique I've ever seen.

More, please!
Great story so far can't wait to read what happens next. 
Great story turning him into a sissy would be good fun 
Ecchi Nemi
I love this story <3
I would like to read more but it looks like this is never going to get an update unfortunetly ^^
enjoyed this hope for more :)
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