All XXX My Day In Diapers 7~197~31: Chipotle, Double Diaper Fun
Two Days To add to the diary. Double depends
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Dear Diary,
I know it's been awhile, but I just wanted to tell you about my fun. First I wanted to start by saying that I had a revenge moment from Chipolte. I totally messed my depends while taking a nap. It's a good thing I had my bed pad. That was days ago on the 19th.

The other night I had such a good time. I decided before going to bed that I would take some ex-lax since I was a bit backed up so to speak. I did not know how long it would take, or how bad I would mess, so I put on two depends and laid down a bed pad. After sleeping for 8 hours and not even one time being woken up. I woke up with a sore belly, and did not even remember why it would feel that way.

Then, I decided to pull of my blankets and go do some laundry. After loading the dryer, and walking back up the stairs, I made it half way back to my room when I instantly messed my nappy. I fully loaded my nappy, and then started to leak into the outer nappy I was wearing. After messing, and wetting, I laid back down on my pad. Then, after looking at the daily cappies I decided to have a little fun. I wet straight through both nappies, and onto my pad.

Mommy came home and saw that I was all wet and messy. She asked what happened, and I told her I took some ex-lax. She told me that I needed a change. I got excited, and thought she was going to help me. She yelled at me and said that was not allowed and that I needed to change myself.

So, I locked my door, and enjoyed some fun time with my cappies and a few short clips. I was covered in so much of my own juices that I didn't want to shower. But a baby has to be clean, so about two hours after my initial messing I decided to take a shower, and enjoy being put in a nice clean diaper and went to work. That's right, I had to work  .

Anyway, Just wanted to say that I'm back from work, and I figured I would check out some of Doppler's work before being double diapered for bed again.

Goodnight Diary I will see you soon
Love Jessybaby
a new me teehee
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Baby Butch
I enjoyed reading the Diary update. A shower would be recommended before work. Too bad mommy did not want to change you, he he. Pills like Exlax usually work overnight and you get relief in the morning. A supposatorie works in about 30 minutes. Have a great day!
I like ex-lax, it makes me feel like a baby. Just all of a sudden having to go really bad, and I always fill my nappy.
a new me teehee
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