The Cymbiote (Short SF Sissy film by moi)
A TG transformation film with a science-fiction theme.
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I made a load of these films before I was even really aware I was a sissy, and posted them on YouTube (subsequently moved to a private account in Google Video, after they earned me mainly abuse).   This one, however, is just for you, sweeties.  

Anyone who has seen one of my videos will know what to expect: an extravaganza of zero-budget special effects centred around a thin plot that is really an excuse to flaunt pretty lingerie. And whyever not?   I do hope you get some fun from it, anyway.

If possible, view in the original format (320x240). It is watchable, but visibly degraded in larger ratios.

"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
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  This is so much better than most of the crape that,s on video here . I really think you should do vidio,s for the market you,ve got the effect,s down pretty darn good . THX dear , your WONDERFUL    
Wow! This is very nicely done! I was expecting The Doctor to show up.

Thanks for sharing.

   This is so much better than most of the crape that,s on video here . I really think you should do vidio,s for the market you,ve got the effect,s down pretty darn good . THX dear , your WONDERFUL      


Bless you, sweetie.   I do have fun making these, but it's a bit awkward (living as I do with my family, I tend to have to be discreet, shoot only in my room, and edit late at night), though I certainly don't say this is the last. I would love to get more people to perform for the next one, though.

 Wow! This is very nicely done! I was expecting The Doctor to show up.

Thanks for sharing.  

And if only David Tennant could be persuaded to act for coffee and biscuits, I might have asked him to show up.  0 But I do hope one day I can make one of these with a better camera (with sound would be nice, and a bigger ratio), a proper photoshop, a few more people happy to perform for sheer love of the "art", and a lot more freedom to pick locations (I can only get away with shooting my room from so many angles ...).

Thank you both for the feedback. It was very sweet of you to watch my little effort.  1  2  3

But I do hope one day I can make one of these with a better camera (with sound would be nice, and a bigger ratio), a proper photoshop, a few more people happy to perform for sheer love of the "art", and a lot more freedom to pick locations (I can only get away with shooting my room from so many angles ...).


Where do I sign up?
Any flimsy excuse to dress up works for me! Did I just see a Dalek turn into a dress? Cause if so, then that was the last new thing to see. I might as well end it all right now but I'm going to hold out for another wonderful fun adventure with Andreea!

 Any flimsy excuse to dress up works for me! Did I just see a Dalek turn into a dress? Cause if so, then that was the last new thing to see. I might as well end it all right now but I'm going to hold out for another wonderful fun adventure with Andreea!  

It's probably a sign of my incurable nerdiness that I seem to recall Terry Nation saying that he based the appearance of the Daleks on the long dresses of the Georgian State Ballet dancers, so it seemed kind of an appropriate fate to me.  

I really appreciate your sweet comments.       It is a lot of fun making these, and I hope I'll be able to do more and better ones in the future. But if a good (and cheap) idea should come to me in the meantime, I'll probably end up filming it anyway.  
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Whyever not indeed? It's all just fun.  
My attitude precisely   ... though it was a labour of love getting those toy spaceships onto their spacey background via a cheap, bad, but very time-consuming homebrew version of chromakey using my black velvet vampire cloak, a desk lamp, photoshop, and infinite patience.  

Thank you for watching, dear.  

EDIT: I have now uploaded this to YouTube, where it can be seen in something closer to its original ratio.
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
I loved the toy spaceships! (And of course I recognized them all, but that is because I am a geek! *giggle*)

It's not as if you started off saying, "This is a timeless piece of high art that I expect will win awards at both Sundance and Cannes." You said you did it for fun, and that's how I took it, and ... well, there we are, the train's pulling up to the "Fun" stop again. Yay!

 I loved the toy spaceships! (And of course I recognized them all, but that is because I am a geek! *giggle*)

It's not as if you started off saying, "This is a timeless piece of high art that I expect will win awards at both Sundance and Cannes." You said you did it for fun, and that's how I took it, and ... well, there we are, the train's pulling up to the "Fun" stop again. Yay!  

      ***Hugs and kisses from a fellow geek.   ***      

I'm happy to have been of entertainment, dear.    
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
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