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Im a 23 year old virgin trying to find out if Im gay straight. Need advise
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 Im a 23 year old virgin trying to find out if Im gay straight. Need advise  

Firstly I wouldn't be too quick to label yourself. Some people know they are gay from an early age, other find themselves at a much later stage in their lives. Because you are wondering if you are gay would lead me to believe you have had "gay" thoughts, but these thoughts dont mean you are gay.

My advise would be to let your feelings mature, dont think of yourself as gay or not gay until you are comfortable being you. And dont worry about your feelings changing as you get older. My experience of life is we see things differently as we grow and it's natural. Some will say they are this and some that and thats fine, others see between lines, the key is to not worry and just go with your feelings, give them time and you wil find yourself.
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