All PG 13 Choose a magical item!
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A genie comes to you and offers you a choice of one magical sissy item out of four, but there's a catch with each one. Which do you choose?

1. Magic Diapers. These diapers come in two forms. One form looks like a normal pair of pink panties, the other form in huge and poofy, to the point where you can barely walk with them on. Both of them absorb unlimited amounts of pee and poo, they never smell or leak, and you don't get any skin irritations while wearing them, although you do feel wetness after using them. If you choose this you get an unlimited amount of both kinds. The catch is if you wear them too much, you will eventually lose control and need to wear them all the time!

2. Magic Wand. If you wave this wand at any piece of girls clothing, a perfect replica of that clothing will appear on you, fitted exactly to your size. The catch is that clothing will always be slightly uncomfortable in some way. It may include an extra tight corset, extra high heels, be hot and scratchy, or a lot of other things. It will always be bothersome, but never really painful. You can wave the wand at anytime to change back into the clothes you were wearing before.

3. Magic Room. This is a pocket sized mirror that can turn into a door. When you go through, it leads into a beautiful Victorian little girls bedroom. The room has an unlimited supply of diapers, as well as anything else you want that is period appropriate (no electronics or modern clothes). You can take nothing into or out of the room, no one else can see the door or go in, and time passes normally where you are there. The catch is that while you are in the room, there is a chastity belt over your privates to keep you a pure little girl.

4. Magic card. This is a credit card that can only be used to buy sissy things. You can spend $100 a month for free, for every dollar after that, you are kept in chastity for thirty minutes per dollar spent. The timer starts when you receive the product or service you ordered.

So, which one of these items do you choose and why?
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This would be very interesting
• Magic Diapers; the panties would have been nice when I was dating, since I have a daddy he doesn’t care and I don’t have to explain why I wear diapers. The other puffy thick one that just the norm. Other than, you say you would waddle more lol like I don’t waddle now after a few wets.
• Magic Wand; I think this would be great I do love to try on clothes but make a lot of my own too. Think about this you could look at the cutes baby clothes and wave it and it yours in your size. It like dyeing and going the little one heaven. As far as the clothes not being uncomfortable you GGs and full-timer know it’s not how comfortable they are it what woman has to do dress to. I'm lucky I can wear what I do to work without judgment.
• Magic Room; I think this one would be my room. To live as a Victorian baby girls with all the care that they would give a baby girl clothes, dolls and nanny to care for me. The chastity belt might get a little messy under my diaper but who am I to care, am I won’t have to change them. My daddy might not like that that right he can come through the door giggle.
• Magic card; this would not go over big with my daddy. Only thing is I would hold on to it just in case he doesn’t buy me that new dress I want. Then buy it and wear it when he came over. I think I would have lots of new clothes after that giggle.
So little one yet hear from you all. This is one of the better threads we have had so don’t like it die.
This is really difficult!
The room is probably the one I wouldn't go with, because I have a wonderful mistress. If she can't go in, I wouldn't use it!
The diapers would be useful, but if I went with the magic wand, I could re-create the diapers without the "danger" of losing control! but they would be more uncomfy...
I'd probably go with the card, because, if you spent it carefully, you wouldn't ever go in chastity. Though I might intentionally overspend just a little...
I'd probably go with the card even if it was an hour for every extra dollar! Or even a few hours! No downsides and you can get anything you ever wanted!
I would get the card and go wild with it. Yep yep that's the one I want.
i would get the credit card too and overspend a few dollars every month.
4. Magic card- this would be my last choice for the simple reason that I would already use a credit card for such things; also the fact that the limit per month is relatively low doesn’t help either.

3. Magic room- I was thinking about this one for a while, yet I am not totally crazy about the fact that this would be time specific Victorian bedroom (I love air-conditioning and electronics). I do like a full wardrobe of clothing and an endless supply of diapers are good, but I would not like that time would pass in the real world if I was in the bedroom; I’d probably miss obligations and the like

2. Magic wand- this was a close call between this and number 1. I do like this especially since most girls clothing does not fit this male body. The thought of being able to wear a corset or dress, and it looking good is a definite wish. I would also be able wear a pair of panties without the bulge or get a girl pampers in my size with the cute images of Disney princesses on them.

1. Magic diapers- this is the one that got me the most excited. It was a tough choice between this and the wand but I would choose this over that. My reasons are that this gets rid of many of the inconveniences with going diapers 24/7. If it was one or the other I probably would have gone with the wand. But the fact that there are both is a lifesaver. I could wear the panties version at work. They wouldn’t be noticeable under regular clothes. I could also wear them out and about in public without the fear of being detected. And when I was a true babyish mood I could wear the poofy diaper. I sort of wish I could feel the mushy poo in my diaper, but you can’t get everything. The downside wasn’t that big for me. I would actually want bowel and urinary incontinence. It would make me feel more hopeless and babyish. The fact that it doesn’t leak or stink would mean I could go about my life without anyone noticing. And the fact that it could hold unlimited pee and poo would mean I wouldn’t have to change my diaper in public if I didn’t want to.

Arrghh! Wish this survey was real.
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