All R Changing my profile name
Wish to change my profile name
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Maybe there is a way to do this, and I missed the tread that explains this. But, is there a way for me to change my profile name? I picked this one back in '07, only because that was my fo-email address. I only picked that email, because it was three random words that were not an email address, and if any one ever saw that email address anywhere they wouldn't have a clue of what it was for. So when I signed up here 5 years ago I just used my email address as my UserID, not thinking anything of it. But I would like to change it. It really doesn't fit with this site. It's all random and without a gram of cute. Please let me know if there is a way to change it. I'm not sure what I'd change it to, but I am open to suggestions.
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 Maybe there is a way to do this, and I missed the tread that explains this. But, is there a way for me to change my profile name? I picked this one back in '07, only because that was my fo-email address. I only picked that email, because it was three random words that were not an email address, and if any one ever saw that email address anywhere they wouldn't have a clue of what it was for. So when I signed up here 5 years ago I just used my email address as my UserID, not thinking anything of it. But I would like to change it. It really doesn't fit with this site. It's all random and without a gram of cute. Please let me know if there is a way to change it. I'm not sure what I'd change it to, but I am open to suggestions.  

contact the admins but i don't think even they can do it, it may not be possible within the hosted software i know from past experience of making a website that depending on what software the host uses for your websites there are many rules and limitations on what u can do as a site owner

So if that is the case the only way out is to start a new profile which also means starting a fresh as far as post counts and entitlements, mine has a spelling mistake (babytephx instead of babystephx) and i didn't notice til later but i have since stopped caring :) it's just a website name after all not you. You could also just put in a signature at the bottom of each post that puts your real ID u want
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