Changing Avatar in Chat Room
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I can change my Avatar in the Chat room by clicking on my name int he chat room list and selecting an avatar from the list. When I try to "use your own", it took me to photobucket where I registered and uploaded my image file.

I select it in my album and clcik "use this media" I get a dialog box that states the files is being used (URL to file is listed). I click OK and it takes me to "Cute Space" Chat room. My Avatar works there. I reduce the window and return to Sissy Kiss Chat room, and I have the same old avatar as before.

I read the tutorial, which gave no explanation. I have tried this several times and I can not get it to work.

How do I get my Avatar file to work in the SK Chat Room?

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 I can change my Avatar in the Chat room by clicking on my name int he chat room list and selecting an avatar from the list. When I try to "use your own", it took me to photobucket where I registered and uploaded my image file.

I select it in my album and clcik "use this media" I get a dialog box that states the files is being used (URL to file is listed). I click OK and it takes me to "Cute Space" Chat room. My Avatar works there. I reduce the window and return to Sissy Kiss Chat room, and I have the same old avatar as before.

I read the tutorial, which gave no explanation. I have tried this several times and I can not get it to work.

How do I get my Avatar file to work in the SK Chat Room?


Problem corrected. I closed the Browser and reopened. It appears to have been a cache problem. Now it works.

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