Carrying stuff in your bra
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While looking for ways to pad my bra, I came across sone videos on YouTube about actually putting stuff in your bra (cellphones, cash, condoms, you name it) and was wondering if anyone here has tried to use their bra as a purse. I saw one girl put soda cans, another a hammer and wrench, yet another a wine bottle down into the boosm. I find it impressive and slightly erotic to see how much junk can go in there. So, what kind of stuff have you ladies carted around? So far I've only done socks.
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-Sissy Kimi
"I sorta felt like a sissy"
Southern Belle----Poopy Princess
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Baby Butch
I'm with you I ususlly roll up a couple pairs of white socks for stuffing a bra. I never thought about carrying any belongings in one.
Know what works well for filling out the bra cups? Female hormones and testosterone blockers...YEARS of them!

But if those aren't a reality, look on eBay for the silicone breast forms. I am selling a pair, actually.38C full with pointy nipples.
Sissy Kimi
Nice that you've found the perfect way to pad your bra. However, I'm more interested in what you carry in it (personal items, etc) not precisely what gives it form. Whenever I transition, I'm slowly inching closer, I'm going to carry as much stuff i can cram in as I can.
you dontneed to pad you can buy fake boobies, they come in assorted styles, shapes and products
Personally i have some foam like ones for general use and especially for sleeping in so i can wake up with boobs. also have a typical latex pair for looking bigger and bouncier
and they aren't expensive.
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