PG Cappie Question
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I'm looking to make some cappies :) How do you all make them? Thank you in advance!
Sissy Gabby :)
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~*Christie Luv*~
Hi Sissy Gabriella! I'm sure many sissies would love to see some cappies from you!

You can make cappies with most art programs, like Adobe Photoshop, or Paint (Which comes free with most Windows computers) You can google to see what art program you like the best. I use Adobe Photoshop but that's also expensive, and it took me a while to save up for lol. Captions are easy with art programs so I'm sure you can make great ones with many cheap art programs.

There are even many mobile apps that can make captions for images stored on your mobile device. If you have access to an app store search the keyword "caption" and many apps will show up.

Posting pictures on Sissy Kiss is sometimes complicated for newbies, and it will be easier in the future, but for now they need to first be uploaded to any image sharing website, like our sister site You can make a free account there, and you get an album you can upload pictures that you can display on any website using the new web address for the image. 

So once it's on Pix Princess you can add your image to any post on Sissy Kiss using the image's web address. Sissy Kiss's message editor has an image button, and it will display the image using the web address. You can also just put the web address in any post you make on Sissy Kiss, inside the message editor, and it will automatically turn into an image once it's posted. The message editor is the place with the clouds, rainbows, and buttons above it when you are making a post.

On Pix Princess you will want to click on the image in your album, and on the image page is a list of different web addresses, and the best one to use is the "Simple Web Address" That's the one where you can just put it in with your post, and it will turn into an image once it's posted.
Okie :)

Thank you! 
Sissy Gabby :)
Gabriella, if you're looking for software more powerful than MS Paint and it's equivalents but don't want to spend a lot of money on high end software like Photoshop I can heartily recommend Gimp. It's nearly as powerful as Photoshop and completely free. It is slightly tricker to use in my experience but there are plenty of free tutorials on the gimp website.

main site
download links

I hope this helps a bit.
Sissy Sister Club Badges

Okay :) Thank you!
Sissy Gabby :)
Baby Butch
I use a very basic "Paint" program that came with my computer 7 years ago. It is adaquate for basic cappies and I recently found I could do a lot more with it.

I started out by posting the picture and typing under it afterward. Good luck making your cappies!
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