XXX Cant seem to finish normally anymore
Been playing as a sissy for so long, started playing with a friend normally and now I cant seem to finish in their mouth.
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 Havent posted on this site in a while but im not really sure where else to ask.  Ive been masturbating by playing with my nipples/dildos for years. Ive even started cumming with my wand into my panties without touching. I met this person and we hit it off, I was pretty open about the things I wanted and she bought me a dog collar and dish and its been great. We've played, had some fun (ill spare you the details) and everything been amazing except she wanted to play different. She wanted to tie me up and then suck me off. I didnt think anything of it and a few hours later im handcuffed in panties and she is performing. it felt intense, like not good intense, bad intense. I couldnt seem to relax and wasnt even able to stay hard throughout. This of course prompted the, do you think im sexy or do you think being my dog is sexy and it was really awkward. Fast forward a few days later and we try again, this time I am able to stay hard but after 40minutes I still couldnt cum and I really wanted to and again awkward situation. We have plans to meet up tomorrow and im not sure what I can do to fix this and actually cum for her in that situation. 
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Hiya. There's no magic fix honey -  the only thing I can assure you of is that any type of play, especially involving kink, will get better between two people as it goes along. You become in tune to each other and it becomes natural. Here's the thing, when you suddenly end up in a situation that has been a fantasy for a long time then you imagine that you will be so hard you'll poke a hole thru the ceiling - doesn't always work that way - even more so with somebody new. You have anxiety bubbling away under the surface and a desire to perform so well that you sabotage your own efforts without even knowing that you are doing it. It's nothing to do with whether you like it or not - I hope your partner can see that because those type of questions will only make it worse. If you're not careful you end up in an anxiety loop - nervous that you won't perform well thus ensuring that you don't. Just relax and go with the flow sweetie - it's all you can do. As you get more comfortable with each other then it will become easier and much, much better.
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