Can't find ideal panties
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Hi girls,

I am into retro (70's 80's) sheer stretch lace panties, skimpy, frilly lace edges etc. I am finding these very hard to come by. Modern panties and boy shorts do nothing for me at all. I love em skimpy, sheer, lacy and frilly.
I am sick of trawling ebay and being dissapointed. I am also sick of panties made specifically for tg/cd's, they tend to be either crap material or just plain naff. I want panties that are designed for real women, otherwise I don't really get it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?,
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debbie frilly knickers
Baby Butch
This might be the site you are looking for. Old style womens panties going back to the 60's and 70's. Many styles of double nylon crotch panties too. They have a nice pair of red nylon briefs with black lace, check the custom made styles. They have many different brands.
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