PG 13 California law bans gay teen conversion therapy
California has become the first state to ban a controversial form of psychotherapy aimed at making gay teenagers straight
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California law bans gay teen conversion therapy

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California has become the first state to ban a controversial form of psychotherapy aimed at making gay teenagers straight.

Gov. Jerry Brown announced Sunday that he had signed SB1172 by Democratic Senator Ted Lieu of Torrance. The law, which prohibits sexual orientation change efforts for anyone under 18, will stop children from being psychologically abused, Lieu said.

Effective Jan. 1, the state will ban what is known as reparative or conversion therapy for minors. The therapies "have no basis in science or medicine and they will now be relegated to the dustbin of quackery," Brown said in a statement.

Mainstream mental health organizations have disavowed such therapy, and a number of mental health associations in California — including the state's Board of Behavioral Sciences, the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and the California Psychological Association — supported the legislation.

Gay rights groups have called the practice dangerous because it can put youth at higher risk of depression and suicide.

"We're grateful to Gov. Brown for standing with California's children," the Human Rights Campaign said in a statement. "LGBT youth will now be protected from a practice that has not only been debunked as junk science, but has been proven to have drastically negative effects on their well-being."

The group called on other states to follow California's lead on the issue.

Conservative religious groups and some Republicans have argued that banning conversion therapy would hinder parents' right to provide psychological care for children experiencing gender confusion.

The Encino, Calif.-based National Association for Research and Therapy on Homosexuality said in August that the bill was a case of "legislative overreach," and Lieu's claims of harm to children were based on politics, not research.

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Fem Prince C
A overdue sensible move.
my dad and mom made me go in the early 70s i wanted to kill myself. we were lock in our room at night so we would not "have gross immoral act with each other" then we spent all day listening to Father Mike tell us to pray and GOD will deliver us. it was a close as i ever was to being butch. you think it was hard for so, try being a feminine small boy that wet their bed and see how you you would do. i still remember sister ann making me walk around with a sign saying bedwetter. i will say i did learn something how to hide.
life is to short to stand in a line for the potty, diaper are for big girls too
luvs and kisses toddlerAnne
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