breaks my heart
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I find it very disappointing that there is such a lack of sisterhood in the tg world . it almost seems like high school where you have it or you dont and if you dont it seems those with experience dont have time or want to share or help you when they themselves know how hard of a road it can be, especially when you are alone in your struggle. Remember what it was like for you putting on make-up for the first time as an adult?. Please Help Your Fellow Sisters! We Need You!  
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just to clarify I dont mean here I just mean that in general this has been my experience
It truly can be a cruel world, that people can and will act litist over things such as this is truly sad. As defence mechanisms go it's neither practical nor kind.

At least there're still some nicer places left in the world, where people are empathetic and decent.
Little boy blue come blow your horn.
The sheep's in the meadow the cow's in the corn!
And where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
SHE's under a haystack diapered neat!
Little boy pink come make a wish
The stars in the sky send you their kiss
As you dream of a world so happy and free
Warm in thick diapers being rocked fast asleep!
-By Funshine Bear.
Sissy sarah
I have to sadley agree with you on this. I my self was luckey enough to meat a VERY nice postupp in the swedich suport group. (it actuley took her 5 minuts to dignoce me) and we talked in the phone MANY HOURS and i have also visit her ALOT and we are dear friends. However when ever i trye to reach other postup transexuels in reel life i get zip . My gues is that when girls have done there thing so to say (becomed woman ) they whant to cut off the transexuel mark. Witch i think is REALEY SAD. But thats how it is never the less.

However there is ALOT of Transexuel support groups all over the world and its in there that you loneley transexuels can find suport and help (use the webb)

Not to mention in here and other sites like this (USE your friends that you know is Transexuels Dont be shy. You young transexuels use the richnes of knoladge that are in here and ASK. (right in this forum or Pm us directley ) We oldies have alredey thought your felings and gone thrue your thoughts and sufferd the life youre doing so we can HELP you coupe and explain (and eaven if your older than us we still know alot to help you (im helping girls frome the ages off 18 to 55)

But in the bottom line you young HAVE to ASK. Im more than shore that in here you will found a MASSIV support.
The suport is out there. You just have to activley SERCH my friends  
Lots of sweet kisses Sissy Sarah  

 I find it very disappointing that there is such a lack of sisterhood in the tg world . it almost seems like high school where you have it or you dont and if you dont it seems those with experience dont have time or want to share or help you when they themselves know how hard of a road it can be, especially when you are alone in your struggle. Remember what it was like for you putting on make-up for the first time as an adult?. Please Help Your Fellow Sisters! We Need You!    

I think I good deal if what you are describing was something we called "going stealth" back in the day. It comes in multiple forms, from the ones who ignore you, to the ones who at some point in their transition leave the TG community to go be normal or whatever. I'll tell you with 10 years of experience under my belt I don't blame most people. We spend so much of our lives hoping to be just like everyone else...

In my experience, most of the ones willing to stay around and help the community are those who know how close to death they are and are willing to use what life they have left to change the world to better their own people as much as they can. Others because they know they will never be allowed the experience of raising a family, because the brave and the bold in the world of transpeople will probably never know happiness in this life. The braver they are, the more selfless they tend to be, the more selfless they are, the more they'll give up their own happiness for the happiness of others, and in the end they may come to doubt everything they knew to be true.

It's my hope that at least one out of a hundred of us is the stuff of iron bathed in fire, able to cut the path to the future.

That all being said, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I would be more than happy to help you or others with whatever I could.
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
Sissy sarah

 I think I good deal if what you are describing was something we called "going stealth" back in the day. It comes in multiple forms, from the ones who ignore you, to the ones who at some point in their transition leave the TG community to go be normal or whatever. I'll tell you with 10 years of experience under my belt I don't blame most people. We spend so much of our lives hoping to be just like everyone else...

In my experience, most of the ones willing to stay around and help the community are those who know how close to death they are and are willing to use what life they have left to change the world to better their own people as much as they can. Others because they know they will never be allowed the experience of raising a family, because the brave and the bold in the world of transpeople will probably never know happiness in this life. The braver they are, the more selfless they tend to be, the more selfless they are, the more they'll give up their own happiness for the happiness of others, and in the end they may come to doubt everything they knew to be true.

It's my hope that at least one out of a hundred of us is the stuff of iron bathed in fire, able to cut the path to the future.

That all being said, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I would be more than happy to help you or others with whatever I could.  

First of all my friend. I'm a pre op going on Post up (started my evaluation 2009) And im NOT
that close to death ether my dear   So you cant put ALL of us under one wing hun  

Second You cant say that ALL transsexuals Probably NEVER finds happiness darling THERE is ALLOT of successful transsexual people out there that HAVE maid it And are VERY HAPPY. HOWEVER there is also sadly ALLOT more that goes under during this process and the reason they go under is that They DONT have anyone who suports them

THIS is why im helping others BECAUSE i KNOW Very well how HARD it is fore others and the risks fore suicide and everything else. AND since i seemed to be given this gift in my otherwise CRAPPY life i see it as my DUTY to help girls find there way back in life

AND i WILL continue helping girls ALL over this world UNTIL i die. EVEN after i have becomed the reel me. (with should be in 3-4 yers)

This is MY reason to live . And it gives me SO MUCH back when i succeed to HELP girls BACK on track

LAST i want to THANK you fore volunteer to help the girls in here my friend. We who do help others can kneed ALL help we can get . AND its people like you and me that helps Carve the new roads in this life my dear  

And like Oooopsie panty says IM right here with my open arms IF you kneed me Just Pm me and my life and experince in this life is an open book  
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