PG Birfdays!!
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Who here has a "second birthday"? What I mean is, sometimes you have a birthday for the big you ... the one that was borned to your Mommy and all, and then there is a birthday for the Little Girl or Sissy or Baby you? Maybe a special day of some sort?

My LG Birthday is today!  : Giggle  : Giggle :: ) right away. It took me a little while of searching on the computer before I figured out I was LG (Little Girl) and where I could find others like me. I KNEW they had to be out there, just wasn't really sure where, since few had crossed into the Adult Baby sites where I was.

I started to write a story which was my main entrance into the LG world right after I made sure my computer wasn't going to 'splode from Y2K!  : Then there was a few sites, an LG Webzine, more stories, a Moderator position on a forum, LG Camps ... Outed TWICE - one very bad which also resulted in problems that rippled through my online existence as well. And now I have a blog, a story forum, and a few odds and ends.

So that's lotsa experience for a 6 year old.

Despite the problems I have faced and the fact that I believe some people still stalk me (but maybe I am just a paranoid little girl now....  : ), I don't regret what I have done in the past, I don't hate who I am, and I don't really blame people for the way they reacted. I think they acted wrongly - but I don't hold it against anyone. Life's too short for that anyway. In two cases (my offline life), I believe people pretty much did the only thing they could after the damage had been done (other actions could have limited the damage though).

So, what have I learned? Well, for one thing .... most people don't really care what you do with your personal life, but those who do are REAL adamant and loud and closed minded about it. If a good portion of your life is going to depend upon how these people perceive you - and there is nothing you can do about that - be careful how much info about yourself you make available. Always have plausible deniability. In worst case scenarios, cut your losses and simply refuse to answer your critics. Why give them more ammo anyway; what possible good can come of that?

Another thing I've learned is - some people are going to act like idiots. Let them. Everyone else can already see it, and if they can't, they soon will. If you've wasted your breath trying to warn people BEFORE they find out for themselves, they will resent you for it. Just make sure you're not in the way when the fall comes.

And one more thing ... everyone thinks they know what is best, but when it comes to volunteering to lead .... very few will. Instead, they will let someone else lead the way, and then complain about the way that person is leading. After all, that's more fun. IF you simply bite your tongue and keep leading, they'll still follow. You don't need to nip at anybody's heels to make them go. And if some don't .... you're probably better off.

Those are deeper and more cynical thoughts ... what else have I learned? That people can be friends despite extreme differences in their background and/or views. That you can have a "twin" who looks NOTHING at all like you.  : That it DOES matter if you are color blind ... get a friend to help you match your tights, shoes, accessories, and dress. That self-pity is a bottomless pit, and it feeds on itself ... the more you pity yourself, the worse you will feel, which in turn will make you pity yourself more. That shopping is the ultimate fun experience .... but someone has to pay the bill for it! That a person who will allow you to become dependent on them ... even in just small ways and in small doses .... is a very special person. That we shouldn't build towers at the Dining Room Table out of crystal wine glasses.....  :

And I have also learned that I write way too much when I am tired. :-)


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Fem Prince C
Well happy birthday Kita.
I liked your comments a lot having also learned when to leave people to fall even when there's a two inch high "You're gonna fall off of the cliff" sign and often those that carp that do the least when help is needed.
Still you have plenty of resilience, like a boomerang you return from where you were thrown, making a difference in the World. And that's what I like the most about you.
Hugs, Jo.
Happy Bday Kita. Your insight is valuable and I'm sure it will help someone here.
Kita: thank you!

I am one of those people Clarisse refers to above...and your comments have helped me. I am still a "private AB/sissy"...but those days may be a'-changin' in the new year. I have been "playing" with diapers for as long as I can remember (more than thirty years...ever since I apparently got jealous after my baby sister was born and was receiving too much attention for my tastes...and I decided to "unpotty train" myself when I was three and a half), but it has only been since 2000 that I have been exploring my hybrid ABDL/sissy side through various stories on the Net. Your tales, along with Baby Bobby's and a few others (I have a thread on this topic elsewhere) helped me along. Bless you.
Baby Princess Emily
Happy Birth day! *gives you a big birthday hug* This means we need to spank you 6 times! Some one help me hold her down!
My diaper is warm and squishy, my sleeper soft and comfy, and my heart content as i lay agianst my mothers breast
Meep! But just on my diaper, right?
Baby Princess Emily
*Sneaks up on you and takes you by surprise, Pulling you over my lap* I dont know, what do you think girls should we spank her with or with out her diaper?
My diaper is warm and squishy, my sleeper soft and comfy, and my heart content as i lay agianst my mothers breast
Baby Princess Emily

 *Sneaks up on you and takes you by surprise, Pulling you over my lap* I dont know, what do you think girls should we spank her with or with out her diaper?  

Ill take that as a with out her diaper! *Gives you 6 very hard smacks* There we go!
Ow ow ow!  :


Spanking with a thick diaper on is never very effective...

Pull it down and let loose with the bottom slaps!
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