biking injury almost killed me. Im very very lucky to bealive today....
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The injury should have been deadly cuz I slid off a 12 foot cliff. the dr. said I am lucky to be alive and not be paralyzed.

I pulled my arm out of socket in 3 places from crashing my bike. it took 4 hours for the dr. to put it back into place. now its in a cast. Its gunna take 3-4 weeks to heal.

Ill make it through it snd be back on my feet soon enough. I could use a good joke to keep my mind off the pain.
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OMG! Glad you are still with us. wow that must have been scary 

Gosh Napoleon you need to take it easy when you are going off those sweet jumps. ( Napoleon Dynamite scene was the first think to come into my head when I read this or hear of any Bike accident) I don't know any jokes but I would like to sign you cast first

Get Better SissyPissy   your Dru-bear

Cissy Crissy
These things can be very scary indeed. Glad you are well enough off and recouporating.

I don't know a joke but can offer some sympathy and empathy.

I went thru something like this over a year ago. I had a car accident. I was driving and started to really not feel well. I as talking to a freind on the phone and told him I was not well and needed to pull over. I hung up the call from my earpice and pulled into the right lane. Before I got onto the side of the road I started to really feel horrible and knew I would pass out.

I got out of the traffic lanes and onto the shoulder and hit the brakes pretty hard. But before I got the transmission shifted into park I blacked out. the car driffted accross both lanes of traffic while other cars swerved to miss me. It eventualy settled against the cables in the median.

I was slapped awake by a strange women who stoped to help me. I still felt very bad even though the car crash was very minor. It took me an hour or so to convince the Dr's and Nurses that the pain caused the accident and not the other way around.

A long story made short. My spleen had ruptured for no apparent reason and I was bleeding internaly. by the time the Dr's started to figure out what was wrong the spleen burst and almost killed me as I was bleeding out very vast.
I blacked out again and came to as they were inserting a breathing tube down my throat. I faught them a little and they gave me a drug that imobalized me. I was still concious and knew what was going on but could no longer move a muscle.

The life flighted me to another hospital where I was rushed into emegency surgery. I had lost so much blood and my vitals were so low that they could not administer any anisthesa. I was still coherant when they opened me up to find the cause and remove the ruptured spleen. All the time calling for my wife and talking about how I was not going to make it. eventualy they got enough blood and fulid in me to stabilize me vitals and I was given anisthetic. Pease at last!

I woke up the next morning with tube still in my throat but very glad to be alive.

After the nurse's removed the breathing tube. She asked me all of the stupid questions like who's the president and what year it is. Then she asked if I knew how long I had been out of it. I replied "Not long enough" She initally thought I was trying to tell her I wished I was still unconsious because of the pain. She replied "If you are in pain we can give you some meds and you will be back to sleep" I laughed as I was not really comfortable but was in nowhere near the pain I had been thru the day before. I replied "No I am fine, It's not on this end of things that I feel shorted." She gave me a puzzled look. I smilled and told her about how I was awake thru most of the ordeal and surgery. she turned whiter than I was at that point and had a horrifed look on her face. She rushed out of the room and said she needed to talk to the doc.

She came back in a few min later and asked me lots of questions about what I remmeberd. I think she was told to ask and see if I was really awake or just had a dream due to all the trama. It was not long and did not take too many questions for her to cotton on to the fact that I was indeed awake and aware. this did nothing to improve her color or relive her troubled expression.

I laughed again and said not to worry I was not planning to sue anyone and was just greatful to be alive. I told her that I was sure there was a logical explanation as to why I was not sedated.

There of course was a logical explination and all is well.

So while you are uncomfortable and recovering think of some fun things that you can do when you are all healed up.

Here is a good joke for you. Do you think there was much talk, laughing and guessing by the Dr's and nurse's as to why I had no body hair below the waist? LOL To bad I was not in the room and wake to hear that conversation. LOL
Being a sissy is soo much fun
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