R The biggest mistake to be maid
My first caption in almost five years
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 Hello everyone, Charlane here!

I just made my fifth caption, but my first one in almost five years. A long time ago, I posted them on here as well, so I figured I'd do it again since people really seemed to like them.

I must say, the site surely has changed. It actually took me a while to discover how to make this topic and it seems I can't post it in Captioned Piccies anymore. Cus of this, I'm unsure exactly where to post it, which is why I'm putting it here, which seems to be a more general area. ^^''

Anyways, you can find the image at https://charlanestgcaptions.blogspot.nl/2018/03/the-biggest-mistake-to-be-maid.html

Thanks, and take care! :3
-Charlane~ <3
Source: charlanestgcaptions.blogspot.nl
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Hiya Charlane! Oh my - that is wonderful work honey. It sounds like that little sissy maid has got more then she bargained for. Would love to see that expanded into a full story - especially as it broke off just as the big cane was coming into play (always fun! - giggles) xxx
 Thanks Kay. It's always really nice to hear that people enjoy your work, especially when it's so easy to just lurk and watch. It's a large motivational factor for making new ones as well. :)

And yes, our poor, little maid is definitely being pushed to her limits a lot quicker than she had probably anticipated, but that's the beauty of consensual non-consent, isn't it? ^^
-Charlane~ <3
Welcome to SissyKiss Charlane glad to see another fellow content creator on here! Looking forward to chatting with you in the near future! 
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