XXX The Best Spanking You Ever Received?
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Does anyone remember back to the best spanking they ever had in their youth or later in life?

I know my best one I got was given to me by my Aunt, we were left alone together at the chalet, during summer vacation for a few days while my Parents travelled to another province.

I don't know why but for those 2 days, my Aunt wore only this very revealing thong bathing suit. She was always a very sensual woman in her mannerisms and in her wardrobe.
And like my Mother, she would not hesitate walking around the house only dress in her bra & panties but it was the first time I saw my Aunt explicitly dressed in what we could call "erotic" attire.

I think being alone with a strong mature sexually dominating woman made me act out a little too much and ended up making my Aunt very mad.

In my family, bare bottom spankings was the main form of punishment so I was not surprised that my actions ended up with me bent over a dresser with my little bathing suit down to my ankles.

My Aunt had giving me dozens & dozens of spankings while growing up but this one felt special.
It was slow & methodological, every slap felt sensual but painful at the same time.

She took time between every hit to let me cry out, she would play with the anticipation of when the next slap to my butt would come, making me flinch at her every movement.
She even verbally humiliated me and ordered to line up my bottom.

I can even remember the air filling up with a sexual musk that I would learn later re-discovered in my play sessions with Mistresses and other dominating woman.

I don't know what happened that day, maybe the fact she broke up with her boyfriend weeks before made her want to sexually dominated a boy but one thing I know, it never happened again maybe it was too intense for both of us.

I think back then I couldn't appreciated what happened but I know now it was one of the most important moments of my sissyhood.
Sweet J.
Eroge Designer

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