PG Best-Selling Author Tom Clancy Dies at 66
Once again, another irreplaceble Author is gone
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Best-Selling Author Tom Clancy Dies at 66

10:46 AM, Oct 2, 2013

Columbia, SC (WLTX) -- Reports say that best-selling Author of military thrillers, Tom Clancy, died Tuesday night.

According to The New York Times and Publisher's Weekly, Clancy passed away at a hospital in Baltimore, MD Tuesday night.

Author of the popular military thriller "Jack Ryan" series, along with titles like Clear And Present Danger, and The Hunt For Red October that also became a major motion picture.

In addition, Clancy was co-creator of a video game company that produced the hugely successful game series Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, and Splinter Cell.

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I too, am grieved by the loss of this great writer.  I remember reading parts of Hunt for Red October, years ago. He left us way too soon.


Its true what they say only the good die young. 
No better way to relax then to snuggle up in a chair with a glass of chocolate milk and a diaper under your skirt and a stuffed animal in your arm.  
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