Best female hygeine products for a sissy
Looking for personal experiences on which products are right for a sissy
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I was looking at buying some maxi pads. I like the feeling of them. Its like a diaper-lite you can put in your panties and have it be much more discreet. Also you get to wear your cute or sexy panties with them. I have used a few different kinds in the past. I liked Always pads but not a generic drugstore kind I tried once. The generic brand ones were just cheap and were rather depressing. So I wanted to know what have others used and which do they enjoy. I don't have the most experience with them and its awful shopping for them since they are in a package and even if you can see what the individual pad its still in a wrapper. Do any have colors on them? Something feminine? I want something with a bit of bulk and a bigger pad. I liked the Always Maxi Overnight Extra Heavy Flow with Wings.

So what are others thoughts? What has worked for you? Are there any feminine ones out there?

Also if anyone would like to recommend tampons feel free to do that too. I personally don't use them. I always had scares with them getting drawn inside me. I would rather have a small buttplug. I know others have more luck with them and enjoy them so if anyone make any compelling arguments for them I ill try them again =D
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