R Bedtime for Francis
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Francis hated Friday nights at his house.

That was when his wife/Mommy went out on dates with other men and put him to bed in his crib early. That meant a quick and unsatisfying meal of baby food and formula before being pinned into his thick nighttime diapers and plastic panties.

With his tiny little penis locked in his chastity device, Francis would be forced to endure the views of his gorgeous Mommy as she made herself up for her boyfriend. Oh, how he'd squirm and pout, knowing that in very little time, she'd be in the arms of another man, passionately kissing him while he was left high and dry in his crib. Except that as they both knew, he wouldn't be dry for long. A bottle of formula and two more of warm milk would ensure that before long, poor Francis would be helplessly wetting his diapers in his crib just like any diaper dependent toddler.

Clutching his soft teddy bear, he'd whimper as his thick diapers would get wetter and wetter making him feel even more like the big sissy he was. Fortunately, his snug plastic panties were up to the job of containing it all but even still, it was good to have the extra security of the waterproof vinyl cover on his crib mattress. Every time he rolled over, it crinkled loudly underneath him, constantly reminding him of his shameful bedwetting.

But tonight, Francis was determined to stand up for himself. It was time he told his wife just who was boss in this house.

Looking across the room from inside his playpen, he saw his Mommy was just about ready to go, she had only to select a miniskirt to go with her silky top.

Not quite sure of himself, Francis climbed awkwardly over the padded rail and waddled over to where she was sitting on the couch talking on her cellphone to her boyfriend.

"I know honey, I can't wait either..." she told her lover with a giggle, "I think you'll really like the satin panties I have on tonight, they were $90...that's true, I know they won't be on me for long but I know you'll like the look anyway..."

Francis hated that she made no attempt to hide her desire for her boyfriend right in front of him--to her, he was just a diaper wetting infant that needed to be changed and fed from time to time but totally undeserving of any adult privileges.

She looked up to see him standing over her in his silly pink gingham baby dress, bulging diapers, and Mary Janes.

"Listen Hon, I'm going to get going--I just have to put sissy to bed for the night and then I'll be on my way over."

She hung up the phone and put it next to her on the couch.

"What is it Sissy?" she asked.

Francis looked at his sexy mommy but didn't know quite what to say. He wanted to tell her she couldn't go out tonight, that she should be making love to him and not some other man. But the sight of the oak paddle next to her made him pause. The last time he'd thrown a tantrum, she'd simply yanked him over her lap, unpinned his diapers, and soundly paddled him. She hadn't stopped even when he was crying and sobbing like a baby but continued to spank him to drive home the point of his complete inferiority. And he had spent that night in his crib with a blazing and stinging bottom as the sounds of his Mommy's lovemaking could be heard distinctly from her master bedroom.

"I...um...uh..." he stammered uncertainly.

"Well, what is it baby? Mommy has to get going," she replied firmly.

Francis looked once more at the paddle again and his resolve crumbled in humiliated defeat.

"I'm ready for beddie-bye now, Mommy," he said finally.
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aww. so cute, yet so sad...
Very lovely story and an amazing picture to go along with it!
magnificent, more like these!! I love all of yours! maybe another picture would make it more true? .. 10/10

Once again you hit it out of the park! And the photo .. well, I'm not normally all that taken with overtly sexy girls (and certainly not naked ones!) since I am a sissy. But even I can tell that girl is hot!
Only tiny, tiny criticism -- you mention shoe is going out with "another" man. Well -- since a diaper-wetting sissy with a tiny one is not exactly a man -- the use of "another" is a bit off. maybe? There is only one man involved in the story -- the REAL one Mommy is going out with (and gonna sleep with, of course.)
But this is semantics and doesn't matter much.
And all's well that end's well -- and this story ended as it should -- with sissy cowering and off to his crib for the night!

This is super hot! Of the scale hot.
This was great!
Its all about the humiliation
i love when i come on here and see youve posted a new story

Francis hated Friday nights at his house.

That was when his wife/Mommy went out on dates with other men and put him to bed in his crib early. That meant a quick and unsatisfying meal of baby food and formula before being pinned into his thick nighttime diapers and plastic panties.

With his tiny little penis locked in his chastity device, Francis would be forced to endure the views of his gorgeous Mommy as she made herself up for her boyfriend. Oh, how he'd squirm and pout, knowing that in very little time, she'd be in the arms of another man, passionately kissing him while he was left high and dry in his crib. Except that as they both knew, he wouldn't be dry for long. A bottle of formula and two more of warm milk would ensure that before long, poor Francis would be helplessly wetting his diapers in his crib just like any diaper dependent toddler.

Clutching his soft teddy bear, he'd whimper as his thick diapers would get wetter and wetter making him feel even more like the big sissy he was. Fortunately, his snug plastic panties were up to the job of containing it all but even still, it was good to have the extra security of the waterproof vinyl cover on his crib mattress. Every time he rolled over, it crinkled loudly underneath him, constantly reminding him of his shameful bedwetting.

But tonight, Francis was determined to stand up for himself. It was time he told his wife just who was boss in this house.

Looking across the room from inside his playpen, he saw his Mommy was just about ready to go, she had only to select a miniskirt to go with her silky top.

Not quite sure of himself, Francis climbed awkwardly over the padded rail and waddled over to where she was sitting on the couch talking on her cellphone to her boyfriend.

"I know honey, I can't wait either..." she told her lover with a giggle, "I think you'll really like the satin panties I have on tonight, they were $90...that's true, I know they won't be on me for long but I know you'll like the look anyway..."

Francis hated that she made no attempt to hide her desire for her boyfriend right in front of him--to her, he was just a diaper wetting infant that needed to be changed and fed from time to time but totally undeserving of any adult privileges.

She looked up to see him standing over her in his silly pink gingham baby dress, bulging diapers, and Mary Janes.

"Listen Hon, I'm going to get going--I just have to put sissy to bed for the night and then I'll be on my way over."

She hung up the phone and put it next to her on the couch.

"What is it Sissy?" she asked.

Francis looked at his sexy mommy but didn't know quite what to say. He wanted to tell her she couldn't go out tonight, that she should be making love to him and not some other man. But the sight of the oak paddle next to her made him pause. The last time he'd thrown a tantrum, she'd simply yanked him over her lap, unpinned his diapers, and soundly paddled him. She hadn't stopped even when he was crying and sobbing like a baby but continued to spank him to drive home the point of his complete inferiority. And he had spent that night in his crib with a blazing and stinging bottom as the sounds of his Mommy's lovemaking could be heard distinctly from her master bedroom.

"I...um...uh..." he stammered uncertainly.

"Well, what is it baby? Mommy has to get going," she replied firmly.

Francis looked once more at the paddle again and his resolve crumbled in humiliated defeat.

"I'm ready for beddie-bye now, Mommy," he said finally.

mommy could put me on her lap...
Great story! I would love to be in his place!
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