PG The Beatles and Adult Babies
Movie game
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I'm not sure how many of you have played the game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" where you attempt to link Kevin Bacon to other famous people through six movies, but I can link the Beatles to Adult Babies in 6 moves:

1)Ringo was in the Beatles

2)Ringo was in Caveman with Evan Kim

3)Even Kim was in the movie Go tell the Spartans

4)Go Tell the Spartans was directed by Ted Post

5)Ted Post Directed The Baby

6)The Baby is the Adult Baby Horror Classic, that I am sure you all have seen or  at least heard about

And there you have it. Beatles to Babies in 6 moves. That was fun Wasn't it?
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
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