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Hey girlies!

Back from the purge lol

Month or so ago posted I was giving it all up for a girl! it didn't work out and realise how much this side of is is importnat to me!

So the whole day ahs beena sissy affair with plenty of cathing up on my shemale porn vids lol

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I really, really, really hope you read my advice on your previously posted thread *fingers crossed*. There's always a price for denying part of who you are. It may not be obvious at first, but there always is...sometimes you can endure it, sometimes not. However failing to be someone you are really not isn't really failure, it is success at being who you are in the face of overwhelming pressure 

You might find it takes you several days of over indulgence to really feel normal and sane again, but it will come if you just wait for it.

Welcome back and have a great time catching up on all the threads from the last month.

thankies! have read your reply, well all of the replies! all sound advice thanks! feels great to be back!

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