R My Baby Vows
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My Baby Vows & Rules1. I will punish my self or allow an online mommy or nanny to do so if I do not meet these following rules.2. I will try to wear a diaper every night; at the very least I must were a diaper 13 times per month.3. If I use the restroom like a big girl more then 4 times a day I must wet my pants immediately when I get home4. I must wear a bib during any meal I eat alone in private.5. I may not take a diaper off that I have put on if a. I have not used it for its proper purpose b. It is later then 10:00 at night c. I have been specifically told not to my a mommy or nanny6. If I try to grow up I will not purge my baby supplies 7. I will double my efforts to be an active member of the SissyKiss community and help any sissy in need of advice or a mistress/master in need of a sissy to control, humiliate, and punish.
My diaper is warm and squishy, my sleeper soft and comfy, and my heart content as i lay agianst my mothers breast
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