PG 13 Automated key holder
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Okay, I've had a crazy idea. I, like many others, have been searching the web for some form of locking device that could be used for self-bondage, such as a time capsule etc. They are out there, but are usually very expensive and/or not very practical. So my idea is to make a key HOLDER. Keep in mind, I have not yet actually done this. What I plan to do is get an open face, analog clock (something cute, hello kitty probably),remove the minute and second hands (I'll just cut them short) then attach a long length of moderately thick wire to the hour hand. After I'm sure it is well attached, I am going to curl the wire into a spiral. The idea is that I could put a key on the wire and it would take hours for the key to fall off (days even if I make the spiral tight enough). It would then just be a matter of placing the clock in a high spot and locking my hands out of reach, which I would have done anyway.

Has anybody tried this befor? Please tell us if you have. Also, feel free to use my idea if you want to.
"our bodies don't matter; they're just a shell to house our souls. We are what we are inside. If you love me and I mean truly and passionately love me, then you love my soul." ---
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"

If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.
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Have you thought of giveing the key to someone for the weekend? Or putting it in a safety deposit box while the bank is closed?
Baby Bethany
Wow Anna this sounds like a very well thought out idea. I've given the concept a quick test using a length of wire curled into a spiral and the key to my chastity device. I rotated the wire by hand and the key seemed to move along it quite well and did fall off at the end. I don't think you'll need a particularly long spiral as a single turn is in theory a whole 12 hours. Although in practice I expect it to be shorter because the key will probably slip off the end of the spiral before it actually turns all the way. One thing to be certain about though is that the battery in the clock won't die on you or if the clock is mechanical that it's well wound up.

This certainly make a nice alternative to the usual methods like freezing the key, giving it to some one etc and the progress of the key moving along the wire could also be a wonderful tease assuming it is out of reach of who ever is locked into whatever the key unlocks. Of course you could put more that one key on it or the key to another container which contains the actual key needed.

Here's an idea that I'd love to try. First I'd put on a really big diaper (at least 2 disposables and a cloth diaper) then over that I would wear a lockable cover along with a lockable dress, some form of lockable restraint that stops me from reaching the clock but still lets me use my hands and even lockable shoes, the key to all of these would be attached to a collar in such a way that I cannot remove them (combination lock with a combination that I don't know or similar) . The collar itself would also be locked with the key to that in a frozen container. In turn the key to the frozen container would be on your clock mechanism for a whole 48 hours.

So order to change my diapers I would have to wait for the key on the clock, take the locked container out of the freezer, wait for the key inside to defrost, then unlock my collar, then unlock the restraints, clothes, and diaper cover and only after all that is done would I be able to change my diaper. The prospect of doing that both excites and scares me. During that time I would be forced to keep using my diaper and after 48 hours I shudder to think how full and stinky it would be. Particularly if during that time I made myself only eat baby food and drink formula or possibly even took regular laxatives to ensure I had as little control as possible.

Oh my you idea has so much potential for babyish sissy fun.
Love this idea! May try playing with it sometime. Thanks for sharing!

 Wow Anna this sounds like a very well thought out idea. I've given the concept a quick test using a length of wire curled into a spiral and the key to my chastity device. I rotated the wire by hand and the key seemed to move along it quite well and did fall off at the end. I don't think you'll need a particularly long spiral as a single turn is in theory a whole 12 hours. Although in practice I expect it to be shorter because the key will probably slip off the end of the spiral before it actually turns all the way. One thing to be certain about though is that the battery in the clock won't die on you or if the clock is mechanical that it's well wound up.

This certainly make a nice alternative to the usual methods like freezing the key, giving it to some one etc and the progress of the key moving along the wire could also be a wonderful tease assuming it is out of reach of who ever is locked into whatever the key unlocks. Of course you could put more that one key on it or the key to another container which contains the actual key needed.

Here's an idea that I'd love to try. First I'd put on a really big diaper (at least 2 disposables and a cloth diaper) then over that I would wear a lockable cover along with a lockable dress, some form of lockable restraint that stops me from reaching the clock but still lets me use my hands and even lockable shoes, the key to all of these would be attached to a collar in such a way that I cannot remove them (combination lock with a combination that I don't know or similar) . The collar itself would also be locked with the key to that in a frozen container. In turn the key to the frozen container would be on your clock mechanism for a whole 48 hours.

So order to change my diapers I would have to wait for the key on the clock, take the locked container out of the freezer, wait for the key inside to defrost, then unlock my collar, then unlock the restraints, clothes, and diaper cover and only after all that is done would I be able to change my diaper. The prospect of doing that both excites and scares me. During that time I would be forced to keep using my diaper and after 48 hours I shudder to think how full and stinky it would be. Particularly if during that time I made myself only eat baby food and drink formula or possibly even took regular laxatives to ensure I had as little control as possible.

Oh my you idea has so much potential for babyish sissy fun.  

Hi, thanks so much for the feedback, I'm really happy to know my idea worked. Yes this does mean that I haven't made mine yet, I'm still waiting for my hello kitty clock to arrive. I have to say, the point of using a long peice of wire was to significantly lengthen the time. For example, if one loop is 12 hours then what about three loops, or ten even, if you had a big enough clock an strong enough wire (side note: the bigger the spiral, the more weight. The more weight, the more the wire will bend itself, so strong wire needed. I plan on using fencing wire, mabey four loops) and you could potentially lock yourself in for much longer periods of time without using an outside source, like the post of a friend. Also you would still be able to use it for shorter periods, and by lining up the end of the wire to the six o'clock mark, you could even estimate how long by intervals of twelve hours (moving up each loop towards the centre of the clock each loop would become 12 then 24, 36 etc). I thought up this idea because I was looking for a time-delay type of lockbox ( like in City of Ember) but could only find very expensive models.
I have also thought of a good quick release with a punishment method for this clock; if you are able, attach a pulley to your ceiling or some other high point, well out of normal reach. Then thread the pulley with a length of chain (or cable/rope with chain on one end, for ease of locking), then attach one end to the clock so that it can hang upright in midair. Create a point within easy reach that you can lock the other end of the chain to the wall. You could then do something with this second key, like give it to a friend , or hide it someplace public ( I would tape it to the bottom of a garbage can in the park across the road from where I live). This would mean that the key to the lock/locks restraining you would not be accessible at all without the need of chaining your hands to your feet, though I'd do that anyway ;P Lol.

Anyway, I'm really happy some people posted on this thread. I admit to being a little disappointed at first when it got no replies, thinking it was DOA. thank you girls kisses :X
"our bodies don't matter; they're just a shell to house our souls. We are what we are inside. If you love me and I mean truly and passionately love me, then you love my soul." ---
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"

If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.
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