Enjoy a meal and conversation with with littles such as adult babies, school kidz, teenz, and babyfurs as well as bigs, friends, the curious, and everyone in between.
April Munch Activites:
Theme: Its National Library week. Come share your favorite littles book.
Field Trip: Lets go see Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D! :)
Send theme ideas to our theme coordinator, Jenn at [email]Themes@LittlesMunch.com[/email].
Send field trip ideas to Marie at [email]Event@LittlesMunch.com[/email]
Get all the munch details including location, time, and an FAQ here: http://www.littlesmunch.com/content/atlantalittlesmunch/
You can join the new Atlanta Littles Munch email list here: http://lists.littlesmunch.com/listinfo.cgi/atlantalittlesmunch-littlesmunch.com
Finally, if you need additional information or have questions, you can contact me at [email]spacey@TheGhidrah.com[/email]
Hope to see you soon!
spacey - Adopted by Marie