I'm Tiffani, apparently.
I got that name from a guy who kept me calling him last year. He was kind of a meanie, in the end, but whatever. It's a nice name.
I've actually been watching your site for a longer time than people might be comfortable with. Nevertheless, I wish I'd signed up earlier. I guess today was an ok day for new old things, though.
Anyway, I'm 20, into sissy baby stuff, and really really angsty about being 20. Make me feel better! =D
(Also, I'm not sure how good it is to ask this, but did DiaperedEmoBoi ever come back? I remember being really attracted to that screenname back when I used to lurk, and knowing he'd be older than me, now, I didn't think it'd be too awful to ask.)
Shout out to the headmissy, of course. Luv your arts, bby. <3