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Against Me's Tom Gabel is becoming a woman
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Against Me!'s Tom Gabel is becoming a woman

Associated Press – 05/09/2012 -10:20 eastern - 9 hrs ago

NEW YORK (AP) — Tom Gabel, the lead singer of punk rock band Against Me!, says he's becoming a woman.

The 31-year-old tells Rolling Stone that as a kid he felt disconnected from his body and has a condition called gender dysphoria. He plans to take hormones and undergo electrolysis. He also is considering gender reassignment surgery.

Says Gabel: "Growing up, my experience with transsexualism was nothing but shame."

Gabel says his new name will be Laura Jane Grace. He says he's not attracted to men and will still be married to his wife. They have a 2-year-old daughter.

Against Me! is best known for the song "Thrash Unreal." The group will hit the road for its tour with The Cult later this month.

The June issue of Rolling Stone hits newsstands Friday.


Miki says ... Welcome to tha sisterhood!!    

The best thing about my life is being Lisa's Pet Babydoll

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Fem Prince C
Maybe it'll help improve acceptance for those who are transgendered.
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