R Afternoon Diaper and Banana fun
A diaper, 2 bananas and some evening cleaning.
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 So a week ago I bought a couple of bananas for some messy diaper fun. But I didn't end up using them. I wanted to use them before they went bad, so used them today. 
I went about, doing chores, in a new diaper brand I haven't tried yet and a fluffy pink and white dress and leggings (its cold today). Went outside to hang the washing, done vacuuming etc. I held out as long as i could, but in the end, it all came out while I was washing up in the kitchen. 
I felt so good to let it all out. 

I have been enjoying the mess for the last couple of hours, but felt like writing this before changing and having a shower. Just sharing a fun evening experience.

I was oddly motivated to do some cleaning while in a soiled diaper. Although kind of awkward to work ;P
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Well remember, a good sissy maid always finishes her job, whether it's housework or other job lol, no matter the state of her diaper 😁
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