Fank ooo for dat wubly comment Jessybaby!
Mes gallery is bout filled wif cappies.
*Hugs Baby Butch*
Fank ooo PetBabyAmy fo dese wuvely comments.
Mes habbbing fun wif da cappies dese days.
Would wuv to see da Comic series update!
*Hugs Baby Butch*
Glad you loved the diaper and sissy cappies to cheer up your day.
One more holiday to celebrate Sissydina218.
Happy New Year!
*Hugs Baby Butch*
I am glad you liked the latest captions Baby Gerard. I think your favorites are cute cappies and I like them too. Hope Christmas was good for you this year. I am posting a final Sissy Kiss News thread between now and New Years day.
I will be taking a break after that and do some writing on my next AB Story. I did include you in the final update along with a few others and some new stuff.
*Hugs Baby Butch*
*Hugs Baby Butch*
I planned on stopping adding new threads to my gallery when I reached thread number 300. This thread is number 299 and my gallery is almost filled up. I will post thread number 300 next and it will be a big one of some kind.
After that I can delete something old if I want to post something new here. I will mainly post cappies in Captioned Piccies and keep them posted there. I also have the special members gallery to post in.
My gallery will remain 15 pages long with 300 threads. I can also update those threads periodically. Please continue to enjoy my gallery and comment.
Have a great day!
Baby Butch : )