PG The Adorable Bikini Onesie
The perfect beach or pool outfit for the baby girl.
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Hi all you Ababy girls. Now there is the perfect bikini for a baby ... the Bikini Onesie.

Now a baby girl can be cute, adorable, and wear her bikini in style.

Take a look .... they are so adorable.

This is not an advertisement ... this is showing off a very cute Onesie.

The best thing about my life is being Lisa's Pet Babydoll

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Baby Butch
Thanks I like the bikini onesie, especially the poka dot one.
OK, I'll take the bait...

I have read some of the online commentary on this thing from outraged parents and also from the folks who say, "hey, you don't have to buy's just silly..."

I'm afraid I have to agree with the upset folks.

It's one thing for Miki to wear this...she would be adorable, I'm sure! In fact, as adults over the age of 18, we can "play" at being babies or sissy babies or even little girls. But....

It's another thing entirely (writing as a father with a young daughter) to sexualize our toddlers. Jon Bonet Ramsey, anyone?

This is a tricky subject for me. I actually remember a time (yes, so long ago it seems) when girls did not start wearing bikinis until they were 16...because their parents said so. How the times have changed...and no, I'm not THAT old...

Just say "no" to the further sexualization of infants and toddlers....

Feeling curmudgeony and cantankerous and just flat-out conservative today,

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