PG The Activeness of Sissy Kiss?
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Just wonder if you girls think Sissy Kiss is active enough in your opinion. I would personally like more talk or more threads or something like that of the sort. I rarely get on, but when I do I read most of the threads I find interested, but then don't come back for 3 weeks or so. Idk that shows I'm not helping, but Idk. Feel like I am rambling lol.

Anyway here:

Who thinks Sissy Kiss should be more active or stay the same?

Any ideas any one have for this if they did want it to be more active?

I want to post some, but want to look around more to make sure I actually know what I am talking about first >.
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I suppose I log onto SK almost every day...but I really don't post very often...usually i check a few threads and log off

However! starting now i am pledging to be a more active member on SK and contribute to its "Activeness"

Anyone else want to sign the pledge with me?
Sissy Pebbles
Thats an awesome idea! <3 I`ll sign it.
Was thinking maybe we can offer suggestions of topics for forums that would be active or maybe a way to get more people hear and/or talking. I love! quite a few of the ones with have, but maybe even more to help out.

(like the popular spam forum where people don`t get post count, but can joke/play around and the rules are a little less strict there.)

Also anyone notice number of views to number of post
Sissies who don't usually get active in the creative department can tackle something easy by reading this post. to read and add a chapter or two to one of these stories. If we all do it these stories will be great and we can take them in any direction our imaginations can go.
I've always thought it pretty active here. If I don't log in every day I find it hard to keep up. I don't see how you could hope to catch up after 3 weeks!


Sissy Pebbles
I don't read stories or captions, but pretty much everything else. I catch up really really fast >.
Baby Princess Emily
ill sign on to! ill post atlest 2 replies a week. (not saying the'll be good replies)
My diaper is warm and squishy, my sleeper soft and comfy, and my heart content as i lay agianst my mothers breast
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