All PG 3D Models As Made By Me (Updated with Tomb Raider: The Tomb Of Ishtah)
A Selection Of SketchUp Models In 3D, Direct from my sketchup program via FreeScreen To Video
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I've been in the 3d modeling wing for 4-5 years now, and i can safely say you show promise, yet i would suggest moving on from Sketchup to other more powerful software, such as blender which is free.
Personnaly i use 3ds max, In any case don't stop , you're quite good at detail  
I do promote the wearing of what feel's right, not what they want you to wear!
Awww, fank you so much for your comment SissyDiaperLuv, much appreciated.

I have tried Blender, but sadly it is too complicated for me to use. One of the reasons why I use and love sketchup so much, is because of of the easy to use range of tools that are all a click, place and drag controlled. There is no need for complicated things like X and Y Axes, if I need to use any of the axes lines in sketchup, I just need to press the arrow keys.

I would love to move on from sketchup as I am pretty nearly close now to the end of what I can do with it, more complexed things like domes etc. That is the one thing sketchup have not made easy with a thing called the follow me tool.

I am slowly starting to try and do more complexed things, using the follow me tool, some results are good, others not so, which is a bit frustrating for me. So, rather then be frustrated, I do the things that I know that turn out to be okay, even with that said, there is not a whole lot more left that I can do with sketchup.

Sadly, I have not come across any other 3D modelling program that is as easy to use as sketchup, the more advanced ones are heavily based on technical stuff that truly goes way ovre my head, I wish it didn't, even when I try to learn technical and complicated things, I get severe headaches, as sadly my mind/brain, is not capable of processing the information, which has always been a problem I have had since birth.

I genuinely count my self to be so very lucky that I can use sketchup and do so, so well
. Doing models like the Doctor's TARDIS, I really never thought I would end up doing something like that, to do that kind of detail, among other things.

In my gallery is a good example of my 1st and earlier attempt at doing a TARDIS, it was very basic and even I will admit it looks like it has been done by a 2-5 year old. But I went on to do better within a very short space of time.

That happened pretty much because I have all of my life been an underachiever at everything, not only that people have told me I wont achieve anything in life etc. Things like that left me with mental scars.

But regardless of that, I was determined to achieve at doing something, no matter what it would take to do that, I was not going to let anything stop me, or get me down. In part to my shame, I really did push my self too hard in order to reach the kind of achievement that I always wanted.

I succeeded, but at a price, of mental shear exaustion among other things. Though I am over that now and happy I have achieved beyond my wildest hopes, I know I should have never had to push my self to such a limit that I had, in order to achieve what I wanted to achieve, there should have been soem other way I could have still achieve doing that, without having to go that far.

I have tried 3D Max, I could not get the hang of that either, I have tried so many other 3D Programs, all the Free Versions that is. All of which are too technical based, and I have a feeling that the professional paid for 3D modelling are even more so, technical based.

If that is the case, I know I wont be able to go further beyond sketchup and I eally do not want to have to do again, what I have already done, with the sketchup program. I mean pushing my self too far to get what I want to achieve.

I am not proud of that, though glad that I can do complexed models in sketchup, but that came with a price. I only hope now that Trimble has taken over from Google with the Sketchup, that, they may decide to come up with new tools for curved and more complex shapes, but that work in the same easy way as their other tools work, rather than having the current follow me tool for stuff like that.

They could keep it there for those who are advanced, but any new beginners to 3D modelling no matter what learning level, or ability can have, can build complex models too, but with ease, so long as there are tools designed that can make things like that possible.

sketchup for me is the only 3D modelling program that fits near perfectly for all learning types the only real complicated thing is the follow me tool. I do not use the more complexed tools like the tape measure etc. I use mostly the draw line, arc, push/pull, paint bucket, offset, rectangle, circle, polygon, orbit and place tools.

*Hugs and kisses to you too.*

 I've been in the 3d modeling wing for 4-5 years now, and i can safely say you show promise, yet i would suggest moving on from Sketchup to other more powerful software, such as blender which is free.
Personnaly i use 3ds max, In any case don't stop , you're quite good at detail  



'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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