PG 3D Models: (Concept Only) TARDIS Control Room & Console
A new Control Room & Console For The Doctor. (My own vision of a possible new controle room with console)
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To View The model in full, it would be best to download and install Google SketchUp 8, which is free, the Pro version is a paid for program and it is not worth paying the price Google are asking for.

Please bare in mind what I have said before leaving a comment. I could provide individual screen shots of this model, but it is very time consuming to do. I do plan some time doing power point presentations to show images shots of my models.

That takes time to do too, since I have done two power point works already and know how long it takes to put them together. So the power point show of my models will be a long time away. So for now, posting the links to them here is the best way for me to show them to you.

But to really appreciate the models, they would be better viewed in Google SkechUp, than the 3D view they have at the link that I have given here.


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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Jennifer Funshine
Good job Amy! That command console is super-detailed! I see that you are quite adept
with Google Sketch up as you have posted several other exceptional constructs.
Have you tried importing your work into Kerkythea?! It's an amazing rendering program,
found free online that my friend uses to import his Sketch up images
and make them look strikingly real.

Granted it may take you some time to learn how to use Kerkythea
but the payoff is incredible. Hope you check it out!

- Funshine
Awww, thank you so much for your comment Funshine, I see you have a new name for your self, I miss you lots. I will give the program as mentioned a go, it did took me some time to figure out how to use Google SketchUp.

I originally had started out trying Google when it had been in it's 6th gen at the time, but my computer could not handle the program, by the time I got a computer that could handle it, it had reached it's 7th gen.

I never really thought that I would evre get very far with Google SketchUp, I made a lot of leaps with what I was able to make, I really pushed my self, sometimes very hard, I felt that if I could not do anything well enough, then what ever I was trying to make, was not worth trying to make it.

I no longer think or feel that way anymore, a lot of things have happened to me mostly bad, butone really good thing has happened to me that has made me change my whole outlook on things etc.

Thank you for mentioning Kerkythea, I do hope it is something I can adapt to as well as I have done with Google SketchUp, I will keep trying and wont give in easily, I would only give up if the mater should arrise where the program is genuinely beyond my learning ability, somethings are, somethings are not and it is good to sometimes to push my own limitations, it just a question of being careful and I try always to be very careful when it comes to that, it is easy to push things too far and that is not very good for me, my past expereinces has taught me that. It is nice, trulyso to get a comment from you, that means a lot to me.

*Hugs & Kisses*

 Good job Amy! That command console is super-detailed! I see that you are quite adept
with Google Sketch up as you have posted several other exceptional constructs.
Have you tried importing your work into Kerkythea?! It's an amazing rendering program,
found free online that my friend uses to import his Sketch up images
and make them look strikingly real.

Granted it may take you some time to learn how to use Kerkythea
but the payoff is incredible. Hope you check it out!

- Funshine  


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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