To View The model in full, it would be best to download and install Google SketchUp 8, which is free, the Pro version is a paid for program and it is not worth paying the price Google are asking for.
Please bare in mind what I have said before leaving a comment. I could provide individual screen shots of this model, but it is very time consuming to do. I do plan some time doing power point presentations to show images shots of my models.
That takes time to do too, since I have done two power point works already and know how long it takes to put them together. So the power point show of my models will be a long time away. So for now, posting the links to them here is the best way for me to show them to you.
But to really appreciate the models, they would be better viewed in Google SkechUp, than the 3D view they have at the link that I have given here.