All PG 13 I
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I'm a widdle sissy who wuvs dancing to girly music so much!!! I just want everyone to know that I'm dancing right now to Katy Perry and want the whole world to know it!

I hope you're all dancing to! I wuv it!
Come Visit my Gallery!!!
I have TONS of cappies that need commenting!!! REALLY GIRLY CAPPIES!!!

::::::: GALLERY :::::::

PM me!! I Photoshopped my head (with make up and wig obviously! onto a sexy girls body in my Avatar, anyone like?? Im still disquised a little hehe xx
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4 posts
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Baby Butch
Sounds like a fun time dancing to me. An old favorite of mine is Britney Spears but I don't do much dancing. Have a good wittle sissy night.
ty, reply in private pm hehe xx
Come Visit my Gallery!!!
I have TONS of cappies that need commenting!!! REALLY GIRLY CAPPIES!!!

::::::: GALLERY :::::::

PM me!! I Photoshopped my head (with make up and wig obviously! onto a sexy girls body in my Avatar, anyone like?? Im still disquised a little hehe xx
Baby Butch
@ BabyBarby
  I answered your PM before this, you should see it.
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